Early Learner Writing Strategies Every Teacher Should Know

A smiling teacher posing with a group of young students in a colorful kindergarten classroom.

Building a Strong Foundation for Young Writers

Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) is a validated instructional framework that combines explicit writing strategies, self-regulation tools, and a gradual release to independence. Although the SRSD philosophy remains constant from kindergarten through high school, its implementation in the K–1 classroom is distinct. Many children in these early grades still learn letter formation, so the focus shifts toward oral language, drawings, labels, and teacher-led modeling to introduce writing structure. This approach is a central pillar of early education and is a key element of an effective Kindergarten and first-grade curriculum that supports young writers from the beginning.

This blog explores how SRSD in grades K–1 establishes the groundwork for stronger writing skills in the future. It explains how strategies like TREE—and their adaptations for informative and narrative writing—can be introduced in a child-friendly manner using proven early learner writing techniques.

Why K–1 SRSD Differs from SRSD in Grades 2–12

  1. Developmental Readiness and Literacy Skills

In K–1, the range of student abilities is wide, and incorporating mentor texts can provide valuable examples for students to emulate. Some children already can form letters and simple words, while others rely primarily on drawing and dictation. SRSD in these grades emphasizes multimodal representation (words, pictures, labels, and oral language) to ensure that every child within a K–1 framework grasps the core concepts behind organizing and communicating ideas.

  • Early Genre Awareness

In these grades, students begin to understand that writing serves different purposes—telling a story, sharing facts, or expressing an opinion. In higher grades, explicit strategies (e.g., TREE, TIDE, POW) are introduced and applied independently. In K–1, these mnemonics are broken down into their simplest elements, focusing on a topic and a reason, with additional components introduced gradually. Embedding these K–1 writing strategies into the curriculum creates a robust foundation for later success.

  • Heavy Scaffolding and Visual Supports 

Teachers in the early grades employ graphic organizers, color coding, picture cues, and frequent think-alouds to guide young learners. This scaffolding is essential in helping children understand how ideas connect, even when they are not yet fluent writers. Such support is vital in any early education curriculum that aims to reach students at all levels.

     4. Orchestrated Self-Regulation

SRSD emphasizes enjoyable and supportive ways to discuss positive self-talk and goal setting. Rather than introducing the concept of “metacognition,” the focus is on providing simple tools that encourage students to persevere through frustration, celebrate small successes, and build self-confidence. This focus on self-regulation is a critical element of modern educational practices in the K-1 classroom.

The Six Stages of SRSD in the K–1 Classroom

SRSD is introduced in six stages:

  1. Develop Background Knowledge
  2. Discuss It
  3. Model It
  4. Memorize It
  5. Support It
  6. Independent Performance

These stages may overlap or be revisited several times. Teachers return to earlier stages as students become more comfortable with each component of the writing process. The following sections provide a detailed look at each stage, including what it involves, how to scaffold it, and practical tips for ensuring young learners succeed within a well-planned curriculum.

Stage 1: Develop Background Knowledge

What Happens Here

  1. Introduce the Genre

Teachers indicate which type of writing will be explored: opinion, informative, or narrative. For opinion writing, everyday examples (e.g., “I love pizza because it’s cheesy!”) illustrate the difference between opinions and facts.

  1. Set Realistic Goals for the Class

Teachers identify appropriate goals for most of the class that they want to accomplish by the end of the year. For example, students may be expected to produce a simple “topic + reason” piece, potentially including a short ending.

  1. Baseline Samples

Teachers collect an early “writing” sample—often combining dictation, drawings, and a few letters or words. For instance, a prompt such as “What do you like better, fruits or vegetables?” might include a simple image for students to circle or draw and then explain their choice.

  1. Establish Key Terms

When teaching opinion writing, teachers differentiate factual statements (“The sky is blue.”) from opinions (“Blue is the best color!”) and invite students to share personal examples.

Why It Matters

Young learners require explicit, meaningful context for why they are learning to express opinions, share information, or tell stories. By setting realistic goals and gathering baseline samples, teachers anchor instruction in what children already know and can do—a strategy that works well within a comprehensive K–1 curriculum.

Stage 2: Discuss It

What Happens Here

  1. Introduce the Strategy’s Parts

For narrative or informative writing, a different mnemonic is adapted accordingly. For opinion writing, teachers may begin with TREE:

  1. Topic (What’s my opinion?)
  2. Reason (Why do I think this?)
  3. Explanation (Add more detail)
  4. Ending (Wrap it up)
  1. Backward Mapping with Mentor Texts

Teachers present a short, simple piece that includes the key parts of the genre. They may use color-coding or sticky notes to label the topic, reason, explanation, and conclusion. Mentor texts—short, exemplary pieces—help clarify and reinforce the components students need to include.

For example, if the exemplar title is “Cookies are the best treat,” teachers highlight how the writer states an opinion, provides a reason, and concludes with a final statement.

  1. Repairing a Weak Model

A piece deliberately missing parts is presented, and students act as “detectives” to identify what is absent. This exercise demonstrates improving a piece (e.g., “We need a reason here! Why are cookies the best?”).

  1. Use Peer Discussions and Visuals

Students are paired to discuss each part, and teachers provide engaging worksheets or digital slides with images that prompt students to identify missing elements like the topic, reason, etc.

Why It Matters

By dissecting simple writing samples and mentor texts, students understand precisely what makes an opinion, informative, or narrative piece complete. They begin to connect the rationale behind each step (e.g., “A reason explains why my opinion matters!”).

Stage 3: Model It

Stage 3 is presented in two phases:

Part 1: Teacher-Led Modeling

What Happens Here

  1. Think-Aloud Demonstration

The teacher assumes the writer’s role, narrating every move: “I need a topic. Let’s think… My opinion is that dogs are great pets. I can do this!” The teacher writes or draws on the board, showing each strategy step.

  1. Make a Plan with a Graphic Organizer

Using TREE as an example, the teacher demonstrates how to jot down simple notes or sketches for each part (topic, reason, explanation, ending). Short notes are emphasized: “I wrote ‘dogs’ as my topic and included a quick picture of a dog as my reason.”

  1. Demonstrate Problem-Solving and Self-Talk

In moments of difficulty, the teacher models self-talk: “I am not sure how to explain my reason… Let me think. Dogs can chase balls and run around. Yes, that is a good explanation!” Teachers also model perseverance with positive self-talk: “I know I can do this if I keep trying!”

  1. Quick Draft and Share

The teacher converts the plan into short sentences or labeled pictures, such as “Dogs are the best pets. They can run around with me. That is why they are the best.”

Why It Matters

Young learners often do not realize that writing involves planning, problem-solving, and revision. Observing a teacher work through each step in real-time makes the process transparent. Students learn that encountering difficulties is normal and that strategies like these facilitate progress—an essential insight for effective early education.

Part 2: Collaborative Modeling

What Happens Here

In this phase, the teacher shifts from a complete demonstration to a shared writing experience, guiding students as they actively participate. The process mirrors Part 1, but this time, students contribute ideas, make decisions, and engage in discussion. The teacher introduces a prompt—such as “Where should we go for a field trip?”—and encourages students to suggest a topic, reasons, and explanations while recording their responses on a graphic organizer. Students help shape sentences, add labeled drawings, and refine ideas as the piece develops.

The teacher continues to model self-talk, praising students with confidence and perseverance. Students review the final composition as a group to reinforce learning, ensuring all parts are included and labeled. This collaborative process deepens understanding by allowing students to practice decision-making and problem-solving in a supportive environment before moving on to independent writing.

Why It Matters

Collaborative modeling allows the teacher to maintain guidance while actively engaging students in the planning and writing process. This method supports the development of ownership over the SRSD strategy steps, which prepares students for more independent tasks in the future.

Stage 4: Memorize It

What Happens Here

  1. Check Strategy Recall

Teachers pause to ensure that students recall the mnemonic parts. In K–1, this often occurs through oral recitation or interactive activities. For example, the teacher says, “T!” and students respond, “Topic!”

  1. Brief, Repetitive Practice

Short games are introduced, such as flashcards featuring the letters T, R, E, E (for opinion writing), a matching activity such as “Which part means I share my opinion?” where students identify the topic, etc.

  1. Focus on What They Have Learned

Teachers concentrate on the specific parts that students are expected to produce. If the emphasis remains on topic + reason, the teacher keeps the focus on those elements.

  1. Use a Tracking Chart

A tracking chart can record which students remember the complete mnemonic and which parts require additional practice.

Why It Matters

Ensuring that the mnemonic (TREE, W-W-W, TIDE, etc.) is familiar and automatically reduces cognitive load is crucial for implementing effective K-1 writing strategies. Students can then devote more energy to the content of their writing rather than trying to decode what each letter signifies, which is essential to a strong K–1 writing strategy.

Stage 5: Support It

What Happens Here

  1. Gradual Release to Small Groups or Partners

Students practice writing, labeling, or drawing, with the teacher taking on more of a coaching role. Some students work in pairs to create short pieces using the mnemonic, while others complete collaborative tasks as they build confidence.

  1. Teacher Circulates and Confers

The teacher works with small groups or individual students, encouraging the use of the strategy while providing targeted prompts when needed: “Review your plan—did you include a reason?”, “Let’s revisit the self-talk examples. How can you solve this problem?”

  1. Targeted Differentiation

For students primarily dictating responses, the teacher records the ideas while having students point to the corresponding parts on a simple organizer. For students capable of writing short words, the teacher encourages more independence.

  1. Set Goals and Provide Feedback

Each student is guided to set one or two personal goals for the next session (such as adding an ending sentence or including two examples for their reason). The teacher celebrates each step forward with sticker charts, color-coded checklists, or verbal praise.

Why It Matters

Stage 5 may extend over multiple sessions in K–1. During this stage, students build confidence, refine their understanding of the strategy, and receive scaffolded practice to ensure they are not overwhelmed. This bridge between heavy teacher modeling and independent writing is crucial for mastery and an essential component of effective early education curriculum design.

Stage 6: Independent Performance

What Happens Here

  1. Complete Independence, as Appropriate

Once students have demonstrated readiness, the teacher gradually removes extra support. A prompt is presented, and students work independently (or near independently) to plan, write, draw, and finalize their ideas.

It is acknowledged that not every K–1 class will reach complete independence; many students may remain at Stage 5 by year’s end, which is acceptable because meeting students where they are is the priority.

  1. Check for All Parts Without Teacher Reminders

During or after writing, teachers ask students to mark each component on a blank organizer: “Have you included your opinion? What about your reason? Please show where they are.”

  1. Discuss Transfer

Teachers encourage students to discuss other contexts where they can share their opinions or facts. For instance, “Could you tell your parents why you prefer one activity? How about writing a note to the principal?”

  1. Self-Reflection and Celebrations

Students can reflect on their progress from early baseline samples to current work. They share their success stories, stating, for example, “I can write a topic with two reasons!” or “I used positive self-talk when I got stuck!”

Why It Matters

Stage 6 emphasizes the ultimate goal: students independently use an SRSD strategy to organize and express their writing. Even if complete independence is not reached by the end of first grade, students develop a solid understanding of how writing functions and gain the confidence needed for continued progress. This stage reflects the natural progression of effective K–1 writing strategies embedded in the curriculum.

Bringing It All Together

SRSD in kindergarten and first grade provides a highly supportive and developmentally appropriate pathway into structured writing. Rather than immediately tackling entire paragraphs, K–1 SRSD breaks the process into child-friendly, incremental steps incorporating oral discussions, drawing, labeling, and dictation. Over time, students become comfortable planning, providing reasons, and concluding their ideas, preparing them for more complex writing tasks in later grades. This method ensures that every element of early education is addressed, making the transition to subsequent grade levels smooth and effective.

Quick Tips for Success

  1. Model, Model, Model
    1. In a K–1 classroom, repeated teacher demonstrations—including think-alouds and self-talk—are crucial.
  2. Use Visuals at Every Turn
    1. Anchor charts, color-coded organizers, and pictures embedded in prompts help to boost comprehension and motivation.
  3. Stress the “Why”
    1. Teachers reinforce that writing communicates with others, providing real-life contexts that underline the significance of opinions, facts, or stories.
  4. Track Growth Visually
    1. Sticker charts, star charts, and simple color graphs offer visible evidence of progress from one session to the next.
  5. Reevaluate as Needed
    1. In a K–1 classroom, revisiting earlier stages frequently is normal and beneficial, especially if students need extra modeling or reminders.

By laying a strong foundation using research-based K–1 writing strategies within a thoughtfully designed curriculum, teachers empower early learners to become confident communicators and thinkers from the beginning.

Ready to dive deeper? Educators can explore sample lessons, mentor videos, and downloadable graphics that illustrate implementing these six SRSD stages in the K–1 classroom. Although the journey involves repetition and creativity, the rewards are significant—a class of young writers who view themselves as capable thinkers and effective communicators from the start.

Contact us here for a free consultation: SRSD Online Free Consultation

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

The Science of Writing: Karen Harris & Peter H. Reynolds on SRSD

Dr. Karen Harris and Peter H. Reynolds

Exploring Evidence-Based Practices in Writing

SRSD creator Karen Harris and renowned children’s author Peter H. Reynolds recently joined a group of enthusiastic educators for a webinar on SRSD (Self-Regulated Strategy Development) and the science of writing. The virtual conversation brought together two celebrated figures in the world of literacy, each bringing a unique perspective: Dr. Karen Harris, whose groundbreaking work established SRSD as a robust, evidence-based instructional method, and Peter H. Reynolds, an acclaimed author and illustrator whose passion for empowering learners through creativity and self-expression has inspired teachers and students worldwide. Although their backgrounds differ, their message aligns perfectly: writing is an essential skill for every student, and it can be taught more effectively when educators have the right strategies, tools, and mindsets.

This blog post explores the key themes and takeaways from their engaging session. We will examine how SRSD aligns with the science of writing, share insights into why self-regulation is central to student success, and highlight important ideas from Karen and Peter. You will also find a quote from these two thought leaders woven into the narrative. By the end, you will have a deeper understanding of how SRSD can help students become more confident, strategic, and independent writers.

Watch the full webinar here: KAREN HARRIS & PETER H. REYNOLDS WEBINAR

A Convergence of Perspectives

Peter H. Reynolds, known for his popular children’s books such as The DotIsh, and The Word Collector, has long championed that creativity and curiosity fuel meaningful literacy development. On the other hand, Karen Harris is a driving force behind SRSD, a framework for writing instruction tested for over four decades in diverse classrooms. At first glance, these two might seem an unlikely pairing: a celebrated illustrator and writer and a renowned academic researcher. Yet their collaboration underscores a powerful truth: effective writing instruction is both an art and a science.

From the science side, Karen’s work highlights the importance of evidence-based instruction, structured scaffolding, and metacognitive strategies that empower students to plan, monitor, and evaluate their writing. From the creative side, Peter’s stories remind us that we want our students to understand the rules and cherish writing as a tool for expressing ideas, discovering new ways of thinking, and connecting with others. Above all, Peter and Karen emphasize that if students do not see writing as an act of self-expression, if it’s purely a mechanical process, they may miss out on the authentic power of literacy.

“It All Started in 1971”: Karen Harris on SRSD’s Beginnings

Karen’s lifelong mission stems from a determination to give teachers robust strategies they can rely on to help every student write well. In her early years of teaching in West Virginia and working with special education students, she observed that typical instructional approaches were often inadequate. She realized the need for a more systematic method that could produce observable, replicable results for all students, including those who struggled the most.

“For me, it all started with my first teaching job in 1971,” Karen explained, reflecting on the roots of her passion for transforming writing instruction.

Those early challenges led her to develop a system that merges explicit strategy instruction—teaching students how to structure their writing—with crucial elements of self-regulation. Over the years, Karen and her collaborators, including Steve Graham, conducted over 200 research studies, refining SRSD to ensure it remains robust, evidence-based, and adaptable to varied contexts. That same spirit of scientific inquiry continues to guide SRSD’s evolution. Teachers, administrators, and instructional coaches worldwide have adapted the framework to address new grade levels, genres, and classroom realities.

The Science of Writing and the Evidence Behind SRSD

The phrase “science of writing” can sound intimidating, but it boils down to a commitment to using proven, data-driven methods in writing instruction. It involves understanding how students develop writing skills, what instructional techniques consistently result in deeper learning, and how the brain integrates reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The science of writing rests on the principle that educators should provide explicit and systematic instruction, just as they do for reading.

SRSD aligns with this body of research by offering:

  1. Explicit Instruction SRSD does not assume students know how to plan or revise; SRSD explicitly models each stage, from generating ideas to polishing final drafts.
  2. Gradual Release of Responsibility Teachers provide scaffolded support, modeling how they approach each step of writing and editing, then gradually withdraw that support as students grow more independent.
  3. Metacognitive Strategies Students learn to set goals, monitor their progress, adjust strategies, and reflect on their performance. The metacognitive loop helps them gain control of their learning.
  4. Self-Regulation Skills SRSD explicitly teaches self-talk, self-monitoring, and self-reinforcement so that students develop the confidence and stamina to persevere during challenging tasks.
  5. Goal-Oriented Practice Students learn to identify their targets—whether a strong thesis in an argument essay or descriptive details in a narrative—and then track whether they have met those goals.

Because the SRSD framework integrates these components purposefully, it has proven effective in studies across a wide range of grade levels, contexts, and student populations. The “ten-thousand-foot view,” as Karen often calls it, involves tailoring instruction so that learners experience consistent success and gain trust in their abilities over time.

“Writing Is a Way to Document Your Thinking”: Peter H. Reynolds on Creativity and Self-Expression

A hallmark of Peter H. Reynolds’s work is the celebration of creativity and personal expression. As the author-illustrator behind Ish and The Dot, he has inspired countless educators to encourage children to share their unique voices—through drawing, painting, or writing—without fear of mistakes. In the session, he pointed to the pressing need for effective communication to keep students motivated, especially in a future where technology might overshadow our creative processes.

“Writing is a way to document your thinking. So, if you’re not doing your own writing, you’re not doing your own thinking,” he noted.

This reminder resonates deeply with the mission of SRSD. Even the most thorough, explicit instruction will not matter unless students see a meaningful reason to write. Writing loses its power if it becomes formulaic and disconnected from its thoughts and emotions. Students need time to celebrate their creative sparks and personal perspectives. Peter’s emphasis on nurturing children’s voices dovetails with Karen’s emphasis on teaching them the writing strategies they need. Students can see how structure and self-expression form a cohesive whole when these worlds meet.

Self-Regulation: The Game Changer

A central pillar of SRSD—and the feature often sparks the most enthusiasm among practitioners—is its focus on self-regulation. While many writing programs highlight organization, structure, or genre-specific strategies, SRSD recognizes that these strategies remain underused unless students also know how to:

  • Set Their Own Goals. Students learn to articulate precisely what they want to achieve in their writing.
  • Monitor Their Progress. Through self-talk and checklists, they notice whether they are moving toward their goals or getting sidetracked.
  • Persist Through Frustration. SRSD frames writing as an iterative process. When mistakes happen or when an idea doesn’t flow, students have strategies for managing frustration and continuing to work productively.
  • Reward Themselves. As they master new writing skills, students learn to celebrate their successes. This positive feedback loop builds motivation from within.

The result? Students develop writing proficiency and an academic mindset that extends beyond writing. In the webinar, educators described how they see children applying self-regulation techniques to reading tasks, math problem-solving, and personal goal-setting outside school. This alignment is a clear testament to how universal and transformative self-regulation can be.

Real-World Impact: Stories from the Webinar

Though the webinar primarily featured Karen and Peter, several educators also shared their experiences using SRSD in classrooms spanning kindergarten to middle school and beyond. Their accounts further illuminated how SRSD works and why teachers can confidently adopt it.

  1. A Principal’s Perspective on Change: One principal described how she championed SRSD as a school-wide strategy to address students’ dislike of writing and their struggles with setting learning goals. She emphasized that the most powerful shift was students’ newfound self-belief; after just a few months, children eagerly showed their pre- and post-writing samples to their families, confident in their growth.
  2. A Curriculum Coordinator’s Journey: Another attendee, a curriculum coordinator, spoke about investigating multiple writing programs before choosing SRSD. Over and over, the research on SRSD stood out. She praised SRSD for enhancing teachers’ sense of efficacy. Having once dreaded teaching writing, they now looked forward to it. Students, too, blossomed, showing consistent improvement across various genres and demonstrating clearer thought processes.
  3. Kindergarten Triumphs: Even the youngest learners benefit from the structured approach that SRSD provides. A kindergarten teacher explained that students struggled to put words on paper early in the school year, relying primarily on pictures. With SRSD in place, these same students, just a few months later, could add words to accompany their pictures, incorporate new vocabulary, and better organize their thoughts. The transformation occurred more quickly than the teacher had ever seen before.
  4. From Independent School Classrooms: A middle school teacher at an independent school recounted how her institution had no consistent writing framework, resulting in uneven class performance. Introducing SRSD gave them a shared language—mnemonic devices and strategies for planning and revising—that improved students’ writing in as little as a semester. She recalled how previously restless students, in particular, benefited from having a clear checklist and strategy for each phase of the writing process.
  5. Third Graders Using SRSD in Real Life: One of the most heartfelt anecdotes came from a third-grade teacher who encountered a student in the grocery store. When asked about her holiday, the young girl spontaneously launched into an SRSD-inspired structure, sharing reasons and examples as if she were crafting a mini-essay in real-time. This moment revealed how deeply these strategies can embed themselves in students’ thinking, turning them into confident communicators in and out of school.

Teacher Preparation: A Systemic Challenge

During their conversation, Peter and Karen highlighted a profound teacher preparation gap. Universities rarely offer dedicated coursework in teaching writing, forcing new educators to cobble together resources as best they can. Karen admitted to lobbying tirelessly at five universities to secure a mandatory writing instruction course, only to face continued resistance. That shortfall underscores why frameworks like SRSD are so significant: they fill a void by providing research-backed structures and ongoing professional development that teachers can use immediately.

Additionally, the community aspect of SRSD training—a “train-the-trainer” model—makes it highly scalable. Lead teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators can internalize the strategies and mentor colleagues, ensuring knowledge and skills spread throughout a school or district. This approach also fosters a supportive environment where teachers continuously discuss their implementation, troubleshoot issues, and celebrate successes.

Balancing Creativity with Structure

For many, “explicit” instruction can conjure images of rigid rules that squash creativity. However, Karen’s core premise—echoed by Peter’s emphasis on imagination and exploration—counters that assumption. SRSD is explicit, so students do not have to guess at the steps or wonder whether they are meeting expectations. It is also flexible: teachers can tailor it to any genre, reading material, and any group of students. This structure becomes a scaffold that allows creativity to flourish more freely, not less.

Peter’s message, urging educators to help children see writing as “a powerful way to share your amazing ideas,” underscores that SRSD does not reduce writing to a formula. On the contrary, it shows students how to unleash their inner voices and organize their swirling thoughts on the page more confidently. Students who once froze in front of blank pages often discover that the clarity provided by structured strategies and checklists empowers them to explore bold ideas they might otherwise keep hidden.

Looking Ahead: A Collective Call to Action

As the webinar drew close, Karen and Peter hoped these initial discussions would inspire broader conversations, more targeted professional development, and a general embrace of SRSD in schools. They also recognized the urgent need to integrate writing across subjects, from social studies to the arts, so that students see writing as a dynamic skill that serves them in all areas of life.

Educators who attended the session shared plans to deepen their SRSD implementations, refine their pacing, and continue the vital work of nurturing self-regulation among students. The stories of success—evidenced by real growth in student writing, heightened teacher confidence, and a new sense of excitement about literacy—signal that SRSD is changing classrooms in theory and everyday practice.

Final Thoughts

When Karen Harris and Peter H. Reynolds came together with educators to explore SRSD and the science of writing, their shared passion was palpable. Though they approach writing from different angles—one more research-driven, the other grounded in art and storytelling—both champion the transformative power of writing. SRSD merges that power with explicit, carefully sequenced instruction, ensuring students have the tools and strategies needed to succeed.

Karen’s quote about her early teaching days reminds us that the best innovations often arise from a teacher’s frustration and a vision of something better. Peter’s statement about writing as “a way to document your thinking” underscores the importance of teaching children to write—to express, analyze, and refine their thoughts on the page. Together, these reminders illuminate a path forward for educators who want to inspire their students to become proficient writers, confident communicators, and lifelong thinkers.

By embracing SRSD, teachers can confidently guide students of all backgrounds and ability levels to experience genuine success. And when that success shows up not just in better essays or state test scores but also in the grocery store conversations, we know that students are truly learning to harness the power of writing. This blend of robust research, explicit strategies, and creative expression stands at the heart of SRSD—an approach that has already improved many young lives and promises to transform countless more.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

SRSD in Action: Five Educators Share Their Story

A group of five educators participating in a virtual panel discussion about effective writing strategies.

Meet the Educators Behind the Science of Writing Success

When schools implement a new instructional approach, the true test of its success often comes from the educators who carry it forward daily. Teachers, principals, curriculum coordinators, and instructional coaches see firsthand whether a method lives up to its promise because they witness its impact on student engagement, self-confidence, and skill, often requiring strategic intervention to make adjustments as needed. Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) is an evidence-based approach to teaching writing that resonates across classrooms for one key reason: it sparks tangible change in how teachers and students think about the writing process.

Below, you will hear from five educators—each at a different level of school leadership—who have adopted SRSD and seen notable outcomes in their contexts. They share candid reflections on why they embraced SRSD, how they introduced it to their staff or students, and the powerful shifts they have witnessed. From Canada to the U.S., from kindergarten to middle school, these stories illustrate the potency of explicit strategy instruction interwoven with self-regulation skills. They also remind us that teaching writing is not just about mechanics or formats but about nurturing a sense of purpose, creativity, and confidence in every learner.

Heather McKay, Principal: “I am an excellent teacher writing now!”

Building Enthusiasm and Seeing Growth

Heather McKay, a principal in Calgary, Alberta, spearheaded her school’s adoption of SRSD after noticing that many students struggled with writing and self-regulation. She recalls how student data revealed a lack of enthusiasm for writing and difficulty setting learning goals. While her school had experimented with other evidence-based strategies, none sparked long-term change. That was when she learned about SRSD.

“I had heard about SRSD, and I had heard about it through university work, and I was excited to try it,” she explains.

Heather felt confident that SRSD’s extensive research base—and its explicit focus on self-regulation—could help her entire staff develop both a passion and a robust framework for teaching writing. After navigating the necessary approvals from her school board, Heather and her colleagues launched SRSD in September and targeted a single genre for about three months. The results exceeded her expectations. Students completed pre- and post-writing samples, and the improvement was unmistakable.

She recounts a story of one student who rushed onto the school bus exclaiming:

“I cannot wait to show my mom and dad my opinion writing!”

For Heather, that kind of student excitement is what matters most. She also notes how teachers are beginning to see themselves as effective teachers of writing:

“I am an excellent teacher writing now!”

Heather’s staff required upfront professional development, and some were initially hesitant. They practiced lessons, modeled them, and refined their approach before teaching students. Although that meant stepping outside their comfort zones, her teachers soon reported feeling proud and capable. As Heather puts it, they came to realize that the changes in students’ writing and attitudes were well worth the effort:

“They’re taking risks because they see it actually changes kids’ lives.”

This experience underscores SRSD’s broad impact: it instills confidence not just in students but in teachers as well. And once you have a school full of educators who feel “excellent” about teaching writing, students catch that energy and begin to thrive.

Watch Heather’s full video here: HEATHER MCKAY VIDEO

Shelly Ferro, Curriculum Coordinator: “The research can’t be denied.”

A Holistic District-Level Perspective

While Heather viewed SRSD through the lens of school-wide leadership, curriculum coordinator Shelly Ferro examined it district-wide. She took the role three years ago after having taught for 17 years. Immediately, teachers in her district shared a consistent frustration: they did not feel confident about teaching writing.

“I put a survey out to teachers on what they felt the needs of our district was,” Shelly says, “and they just didn’t feel great about teaching writing.”

For Shelly, the next step was to exhaustively investigate writing approaches and programs. She kept coming back to SRSD:

“Honestly, the research can’t be denied, and it gave us exactly what the teachers needed.”

When her district adopted SRSD, Shelly organized professional development so every teacher could learn the foundational strategies and build a shared understanding. Just as Heather witnessed, Shelly also saw the power of the “train the trainer” method. Facilitators—people already well-versed in SRSD—guided staff through explicit instruction, from early modeling to more independent practice.

Shelly points out that one early hurdle involved teachers unfamiliar with modeling extensively, especially at higher grade levels, but witnessing SRSD in action helped them adapt. Kindergarten and first-grade teachers are often used to modeling everything, but older teachers must readjust. Over time, however, they saw how the robust background knowledge, effective writing strategies, and explicit discussion of strategies “prepare students to write” and elevate engagement and performance.

One striking example occurred in kindergarten: Shelly shared a sample of student work that showed pictures and simple text in the fall, evolving into more detailed, higher-level sentences by early winter—far earlier than teachers would usually see such growth. To Shelly, SRSD’s greatest asset is its explicitness:

“It is explicit PD for them, for explicit instruction in writing, and it empowers them on how to make this happen.”

Her perspective shows that when a district embraces SRSD with comprehensive professional development and consistent follow-up, it can improve teacher capacity at every stage—from novices to seasoned veterans.

Watch Shelly’s full video here: SHELLY FERRO VIDEO

Kaitlyn Gann, Instructional Coach: “The training-the-trainer model is essential.”

Supporting Teachers, Elevating Student Success

Instructional coaches hold a unique vantage point in a school system. They see day-to-day classroom implementation but connect directly with administrators and curriculum leaders. Kaitlyn Gann, an instructional coach, explains how SRSD’s success in her school is partly a result of that supportive coaching layer:

“The training-the-trainer model is essential to SRSD. When we took it on, we, as coaches, went through the writing-to-learn courses and the facilitator courses.”

Kaitlyn notes that this setup allowed her to proactively anticipate questions and guide teachers. She and other coaches first practiced the lessons—“actually modeling in front of them” and troubleshooting potential roadblocks before teachers introduced strategies to students. That planning fostered an environment of trust; teachers knew the coaches were “going through it all with them,” learning the mnemonics, the modeling steps, and the self-regulation techniques hand in hand.

This arrangement sparked widespread enthusiasm:

“They’re so grateful that we actually have a writing program that works,” Kaitlyn says.

She describes a fifth-grade student who epitomizes the transformative power of SRSD. Historically, the student had difficulty focusing and translating his ideas onto paper. But during a classroom observation, Kaitlyn witnessed him rushing over, excited to share his writing:

“He was just blown away, he’s like, ‘Look at my writing.’”

He proudly pointed out his topic sentences, transition words, “million-dollar words,” and the structured approach that SRSD champions. Even better, when Kaitlyn reminded him, “Don’t forget your conclusion,” he instantly responded, “Oh yeah, you’re right!” rather than bristling at feedback. This anecdote reveals how a strong self-regulatory framework can transform a reluctant writer into someone eager to revise.

What resonates most from Kaitlyn’s story is the synergy between effective coaching and a proven method. Coaches who can guide teachers step by step, supplemented by robust online training and teacher-friendly resources, create a foundation where educators and students can thrive.

Watch Kaitlyn’s full video here: KAITLYN GANN’S VIDEO

Whitney Ruff, Middle School English Teacher: “We were assigning writing, but we weren’t really teaching it.”

Finding Consistency and Language Across Teachers

Whitney Ruff teaches middle school English at an independent K–12 school in Nashville. Her context differs from many public schools—no formal special education program, and teachers enjoy high autonomy. Yet, autonomy led to wide variations in how writing was taught. When students reached high school, their writing skills were “all over the map.”

That’s when Whitney began researching frameworks. She wanted something robust yet flexible enough to suit an independent school environment. She recalls:

“Everything I looked at in the research, everyone I talked to, everything was coming back to SRSD.”

Convinced, Whitney introduced SRSD to her school’s curriculum coordinator and division head. Together, they implemented it in both English and history classes. They quickly noticed a significant shift in students’ writing, questioning, and overall engagement. SRSD gave them a unified language—teachers and students across the building understood what a “tree organizer” was, what “POWER” stood for (Plan, Organize, Write, Edit, Revise), and how to analyze writing systematically.

Crucially, SRSD also forced them to reflect on time allocation and instructional priorities. Whitney puts it bluntly:

“We were assigning writing, but we weren’t really teaching it.”

Instead of handing out prompts and hoping students recalled how to craft a thesis, teachers explicitly modeled the entire writing process, incorporating various writing strategies to enhance understanding. This pivot immediately decreased the number of confused hands in the air. Students now ask teachers specific questions—“Could you check my explanation? Does it connect well to my topic sentence?”—rather than a vague, “Is this any good?”

One of Whitney’s students, who has dyslexia, produced a disorganized pretest sample. However, his semester exam displayed clear thesis statements, cohesive evidence, and thoughtful explanations. His reaction was priceless:

“He said, ‘Are you sure that’s my paper?’”

The renewed confidence and elevated skill suggest that SRSD works across various learning profiles. Whitney underscores that SRSD is worth the minor sacrifices in content coverage because the gains in writing mastery and self-advocacy benefit students far beyond a single subject or grade.

Watch Whitney’s full video here: WHITNEY RUF’S VIDEO

Michelle Morgan, Elementary Teacher: “The kids naturally use their structure when they’re doing their free writing.”

33 Years in the Classroom and Still Excited About Writing

Michelle Morgan brings over three decades of teaching experience—public and private schools, multiple states, a Title I environment, and a large population of bilingual learners. Despite her experience, she was impressed by the transformation SRSD triggered in her third graders. Michelle’s top five reasons for loving SRSD capture its comprehensive impact:

  1. “There’s so much research that has gone into this program… it just makes sense to the kid.”
  2. High engagement: Michelle’s students love the SRSD chants, all done with enthusiastic gestures.
  3. Building writing stamina SRSD combats blank-page anxiety by giving students a reliable structure. This helps them “overcome the hurdles of what to put on the page.”
  4. “We see the improvements in their writing so quickly,” Michelle notes, adding that students go from bare-bones paragraphs to cohesive, well-structured essays in only a few months.
  5. Adaptability and sequence Because SRSD scaffolds each step, teachers can apply it in various contexts, genres, and student ability levels. Students recognize the same frameworks from first grade to third and even up through middle school.

Michelle relays the story of an eight-year-old who ran into her at the grocery store. Without prompting, the student launched into an “opinion structure”—starting with “In my opinion,” listing her reasons, and concluding with “in conclusion.” Michelle was amazed:

“Again, this was a conversation we were having in the grocery store, but she was using it, and she uses it in her regular life now.”

Moments like these confirm that SRSD is not just another discrete program; it cultivates genuinely transferable skills. Michelle summarizes it by emphasizing how SRSD’s best practices—modeling, clear anchor papers, and explicit strategy instruction—empower teachers and students. After 32 years, she remains more excited than ever about teaching writing.

Watch Michelle’s full video here: MICHELLE MORGAN’S VIDEO

Conclusion: A Shared Triumph through SRSD

From Heather McKay’s elementary hallways in Calgary to Whitney Ruff’s middle school classes in Nashville, these five educators showcase SRSD as a remarkably flexible, research-affirmed, and empowering method for teaching writing. Each educator serves a distinct role—principal, curriculum coordinator, instructional coach, middle school teacher, and elementary teacher—yet all arrive at a similar conclusion: SRSD ignites a transformation in both students’ abilities and teachers’ perspectives.

  • Heather sees formerly unenthusiastic writers brimming with pride.
  • Shelly observes how children can quickly progress from sketches to cogent sentences, even in kindergarten.
  • Kaitlyn celebrates a once-reluctant fifth grader who eagerly welcomes feedback to polish his conclusion.
  • Whitney relishes the ease of a unified language that reduces confusion and fosters deeper analysis.
  • Michelle remains moved by the everyday adoption of writing structures—whether in the classroom or at the grocery store.

Why does SRSD have such a unifying effect? In part, it systematically tackles the most common pitfalls in writing instruction: a lack of explicitness, insufficient scaffolding, and an absence of self-regulatory training. By fusing genre-based strategies with explicit goal-setting, self-monitoring, and self-reinforcement teaching, SRSD helps students overcome the mental blocks that too often stifle their growth. It also lights a fire in teachers, who see immediate results and feel genuinely equipped with the confidence and techniques needed to guide all learners toward success.

For educators pondering how to upgrade or refine their writing instruction, these five stories serve as inspiration. SRSD is not a quick fix or a scripted formula—it is a well-researched approach that invites teacher creativity and adaptation. Schools can begin on a small scale or implement it across classrooms and grades, as Heather’s and Shelly’s experiences show. Coaches can facilitate deeper learning and on-the-ground support, as Kaitlyn demonstrates. SRSD can unify teachers’ writing methods while still preserving their autonomy, as Whitney’s independent school experience illustrates. It can also revolutionize classroom practice for veteran teachers like Michelle, who finds herself newly inspired after 32 years.

Ultimately, SRSD underscores that writing is more than words on a page; it is a vehicle for thought, voice, and self-expression. Whether a student is in kindergarten discovering her first written words or in middle school refining analytical essays, SRSD ensures that the cognitive process behind good writing is never left to chance. As these five educators reveal, when they introduce SRSD’s explicit strategies and self-regulation techniques, the rewards ripple through schools—raising confidence, cultivating independence, and showing students that they can write their way to deeper understanding and personal empowerment.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

8 Evidence-Based Writing Strategies for Student Success

A diverse group of young adults writing in notebooks during a collaborative learning session in a bright, modern setting.

How Structure Enhances Student Achievement

Writing is one of the most critical skills students will develop during their education. It empowers them to communicate ideas effectively, engage in critical thinking, and express creativity. However, strong writing skills don’t emerge overnight—they require consistent practice, strategic instruction, and a supportive learning environment. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping young writers by implementing evidence-based strategies that enhance writing proficiency. When students receive structured, engaging, and meaningful writing instruction, they develop confidence and competence that extends beyond the classroom and into all aspects of their academic and personal lives. Below are key strategies that research has shown to be highly effective in developing strong writers.

1. Provide Daily Writing Opportunities

Just as athletes improve with regular training, students need consistent writing practice to develop fluency and confidence. Writing should not be limited to specific assignments or subjects but should be embedded throughout the school day. Allocating dedicated time for writing ensures that students engage in the process regularly, allowing them to refine their skills over time.

Writing can be incorporated into various subjects, such as summarizing science experiments, reflecting on historical events, or writing persuasive arguments in social studies. The key is to create authentic writing experiences that help students see writing as a natural and necessary part of learning rather than an isolated task.

2. Implement Explicit Instruction

Using evidence-based writing strategies, explicit instruction in writing involves directly teaching students how to plan, draft, revise, and edit their work. Many students struggle with writing because they lack a clear understanding of what strong writing entails. By modeling writing strategies, breaking down the writing process into manageable steps, and providing guided practice, teachers can help students build essential skills.

Effective explicit instruction includes:

  • Think-alouds where teachers model their thought process while writing
  • Sentence starters and frames to support struggling writers
  • Mini-lessons that focus on specific writing techniques, such as crafting strong leads or using descriptive language
  • Scaffolding through guided and independent practice, gradually releasing responsibility to students

Students, especially those in high-needs schools, benefit significantly from structured, direct instruction that provides clarity and builds confidence in their abilities.

3. Teach the Writing Process

Writing is not a one-step activity—it is a process that requires planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Many students approach writing as a single draft exercise, which often results in underdeveloped ideas and weak organization.

Explicitly teaching each stage of the writing process helps students understand that writing is iterative and that revision is essential to crafting substantial work. Teachers can:

  • Encourage brainstorming and pre-writing activities, such as graphic organizers
  • Teach students how to revise for clarity, coherence, and engagement
  • Provide self-editing checklists to guide students through proofreading their work
  • Allow time for peer and teacher feedback before finalizing pieces

Gradually, students internalize these steps and become more independent, thoughtful writers.

4. Utilize Mentor Texts

Students learn by example, and mentor texts provide excellent models of effective writing. Students can understand how writers structure ideas, use language effectively, and engage their readers by analyzing well-crafted texts.

When selecting mentor texts, consider:

  • Different genres and styles expose students to a variety of writing techniques
  • Texts that match the skill level and interests of your students
  • Opportunities for students to annotate and discuss what makes the writing effective

Encouraging students to borrow techniques from mentor texts helps them expand their writing repertoire and develop their unique voice.

5. Encourage Collaborative Writing

Writing doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. When students collaborate, they learn from one another’s perspectives, refine their ideas, and develop a sense of community in the classroom.

Ways to incorporate collaborative writing include:

  • Peer editing and feedback sessions
  • Group writing assignments where students co-author a piece
  • Shared storytelling activities
  • Partner discussions before independent writing to generate ideas

Collaborative writing not only enhances writing skills but also strengthens students’ ability to communicate and negotiate meaning with others.

6. Integrate Reading and Writing

Reading and writing are deeply interconnected. Students who read a variety of texts are exposed to different writing styles, vocabulary, and organizational structures, all of which influence their own writing development.

Teachers can promote reading-writing connections by:

  • Encouraging students to write in response to what they read
  • Analyzing how authors construct their arguments, narratives, and informational texts
  • Having students mimic the styles of their favorite authors

By immersing students in reading and discussing texts, teachers provide a foundation for stronger writing skills.

7. Provide Constructive Feedback

Feedback is one of the most powerful tools for improving student writing. However, not all feedback is equally effective. The best feedback is timely, specific, and actionable.

Effective feedback should:

  • Highlight what the student did well
  • Offer clear, focused suggestions for improvement
  • Encourage reflection and revision

Instead of marking every error, teachers should prioritize key areas for improvement and help students see writing as an ongoing process of growth.

8. Create an Engaging Writing Environment

A supportive and engaging classroom environment can significantly impact students’ attitudes toward writing. When students feel safe and motivated, they are more willing to take risks and experiment with their writing.

To cultivate an engaging writing environment:

  • Celebrate student work by displaying it in the classroom
  • Provide opportunities for students to share their writing with peers
  • Offer choice in writing topics when appropriate
  • Organize writing challenges or workshops to make writing fun and interactive

When students see writing as an enjoyable and valuable activity, they are more likely to invest effort into improving their skills.

The Comprehensive Solution: SRSD Covers All These Strategies

These strategies contribute to a strong writing foundation, but implementing them effectively can be challenging. That’s where Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) comes in. SRSD is an evidence-based instructional framework that integrates explicit strategy instruction, evidence-based writing strategies, self-regulation, and the writing process into a comprehensive approach. It provides teachers with structured, research-backed methods for helping students develop as independent, strategic writers.

SRSD covers all of the abovementioned elements, ensuring that students learn how to write and develop the self-regulation skills needed to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own work. By incorporating SRSD, teachers can provide students with the tools they need to become confident, capable writers who succeed academically and beyond.

By implementing these research-based strategies, educators can transform their writing instruction and help students reach their full potential as writers.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

Student Writing Success: Elevating Skills in The Classroom

A teacher leading an interactive discussion with a group of engaged students in a modern classroom.

Unlocking Student Writing Success Across All Writing Genres: SRSD Online Course for Teachers is Easy-to-Use

Teaching K-12 students to write effectively is a complex challenge. As educators, you strive to give your students the skills and confidence to write well in various genres—opinion/Persuasive, Informative/Explanatory, and Narrative. Yet, each genre has its demands, and ensuring every child masters these varied forms can feel daunting.

How do you help students understand the unique structure of each genre? How do you ensure they have the strategies to plan, draft, revise, and edit successfully, no matter the type of writing task at hand? How do you nurture independence, self-regulation, and motivation so they can eventually write confidently and skillfully on their own?

That’s easy:Our SRSD Online course provides a unified framework for teaching Opinion/Persuasive, Informative/Explanatory, and Narrative writing. It covers each instructional stage thoroughly, supports you with professional development tools, and integrates strategies and self-regulation in all genres. The course is easy to learn and implement, helping students develop independence, motivation, and strong writing skills that transfer across different writing tasks and beyond the classroom.

What Makes Our SRSD Course All-Inclusive for All Genres?

  1. In each stage, you’ll find clear guidance. From building excitement about a particular genre to explicitly teaching strategies, modeling the process, supporting practice, and gradually releasing responsibility, these SRSD stages ensure you never feel uncertain about what to do next. This structured progression applies to all three genres, allowing you to use one cohesive approach rather than juggling multiple disconnected methods.
  1. In addition to meta scripts, the course includes comprehensive notes. These notes explain why certain elements are included in the lessons, how to differentiate for students with various skill levels, and what to do if a particular approach isn’t working. Teachers gain deep understanding of how and why the strategy works, making adaptations simpler. Whether you’re teaching students to take a stance and support it with reasons (Opinion), explain a topic in detail (Informative), or create a compelling story (Narrative), these teacher supports offer indispensable guidance.
  1. But this approach isn’t limited to Opinion/Persuasive writing. For Informative/Explanatory tasks, students learn to structure their information logically, linking facts and ideas cohesively. They know how to develop engaging characters, settings, and plot events for narrative tasks. All these strategies fit together because they’re based on the same principles of planning, organizing, writing, revising, and editing—customized slightly for each genre. This consistency helps students see that they have a strong toolkit no matter what kind of writing they’re tackling.
  1. Students learn to ask themselves key questions, set achievable goals, and track their progress, whether they’re writing an opinion letter to persuade the principal for more recess, an informative essay explaining the water cycle, or a narrative story about a memorable family trip. The course fosters independence and enhances productivity by helping students develop these metacognitive habits. Over time, students become flexible writers who can adapt their writing skills and strategies to any writing challenge.
  1. Since the SRSD model works consistently across all three genres, you don’t need to learn a new routine each time you shift from Opinion to Informative or Narrative. The daily routine of opening and closing with a quick review of strategies remains the same, providing continuity and stability. The content within each lesson may differ (e.g., narrative elaboration vs. informative fact selection), but the process and routine remain consistent. This predictable structure makes implementation simpler for teachers and clearer for students, fostering a smooth learning journey from genre to genre.
  1. Teachers benefit as well, seeing at a glance where students excel and where they need more support. This data-driven approach informs your instruction—maybe you’ll spend more time modeling how to craft a dynamic story lead in Narrative writing or reviewing how to integrate evidence in Informative essays. This constant feedback loop ensures that instruction is responsive, improving not only each student’s writing but also your teaching strategies over time, highlighting the continuous improvement made possible by the course.
  1. This transfer across genres saves you time and effort. You reinforce the same underlying principles and strategies instead of introducing a new approach for each writing type. Students understand that effective writing—Opinion, Informative, or Narrative—benefits from thoughtful planning, a clear strategy, and careful review. The same skills and habits they develop under SRSD carry over to future writing tasks, other academic subjects, and even their lives outside of school.

Ease of Implementation and Long-Term Sustainability

Teachers often worry that adopting new writing programs means starting from scratch. With the SRSD Online course, you’re building on a well-structured foundation. The lessons are organized, and support materials are readily available so that you can implement the system with minimal guesswork. You start by modeling how to plan and write in a particular genre. Students watch, learn, and participate. As they grow more confident, you shift toward collaborative activities, where students and teachers brainstorm and write together. Eventually, the students take the reins, writing more independently.

Because the program applies to Opinion, Informative, and Narrative writing, you don’t have to re-teach basic strategies each time you change genres. Instead, you highlight the unique aspects of each genre while relying on a standard set of underlying strategies and self-regulation techniques. This approach saves time and makes the learning curve more manageable for teachers and students.

Over time, memorizing strategies like POW or genre-specific tools becomes second nature. Students remember what steps to take before drafting and how to evaluate their work. This internalization means less cognitive load when they write, they can devote more energy to generating ideas, refining word choice, and crafting compelling texts.

Why Teachers and Students Embrace SRSD across Genres

Teachers appreciate that the SRSD Online course is evidence-based and classroom-tested. Rather than an unproven set of tips, you get a carefully designed, research-backed approach. It’s adaptable, easy to use, and takes the mystery out of writing instruction. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the demands of different genres, teachers have a consistent framework that guides their instruction in Opinion, Informative, and Narrative writing.

Students thrive because they gain a sense of control and competence. They realize that writing isn’t a random process; it’s a skill they can master with clear steps and tools, enhancing their writing skills. They learn how to motivate themselves, how to approach each genre’s unique demands, and how to reflect on their performance. This empowerment is invaluable, transforming writing from a daunting task into an achievable goal, thereby contributing to student success.

As students become more strategic, self-regulated writers, they’re better equipped for future academic endeavors and life challenges. They carry forward skills in critical thinking, organization, and problem-solving. Whether writing a persuasive letter to their mayor, an informative report on a science topic, or a narrative about a significant personal experience, they’ll feel confident applying the strategies they have learned through SRSD.

Administrators appreciate the consistency and coherence of a program that teaches all three major genres in a unified way. SRSD’s approach aligns with academic standards and fosters a school-wide, thoughtful, strategic writing culture. Instead of struggling to piece together disjointed resources, educators can rely on one integrated system that simplifies professional development and ensures instructional quality.

The Bottom Line

Our SRSD Online course for Opinion, Informative, and Narrative Writing is a comprehensive, robust framework that ensures teachers have the guidance, flexibility, and support they need to help students write effectively. It’s designed to accommodate every stage of learning, from building background knowledge and introducing strategies to modeling with think-alouds to collaborative practice, memorization, and, eventually, independent performance.

This approach is easy to learn and implement. It encourages motivation, independence, and critical thinking. Students understand the conventions and grammar of different genres and learn to regulate their thinking, set goals, and reflect on their progress as writers. Over time, they generalize these skills to new tasks, subjects, and contexts.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

Writing Curriculum: Embedding SRSD for a Seamless Fit

A teacher leading a discussion with high school students seated in a semi-circle classroom setting.

Integrating SRSD into Your Lesson Plans

Imagine walking into your classroom and seeing students writing confidently and clearly and applying strategies grounded in the science of writing. They are not just stringing together sentences but developing organized ideas, engaging with genre-specific structures, and mastering various writing skills. This vision seems distant for many teachers — particularly if their current writing curriculum is limited to surface-level skills like spelling and grammar. 

Yet, research about writing and best practices in writing instruction suggest that significant transformation is possible. Enter Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD): a flexible, evidence-based approach that enhances and supplements your current instructional materials. Through SRSD for writing, students gain the strategies and self-regulation techniques they need to excel in any writing course or assignment.

Why SRSD Is Different

SRSD is not a traditional curriculum; instead, think of it as a powerful support system that complements your existing writing instruction. Whether you are working within Common Core narrative writing instructions, integrating new writing strategies for students, or seeking effective writing interventions, SRSD fits seamlessly into your classroom. It ensures that every lesson moves beyond passive assignments to focus on teaching writing explicitly. This approach guides students through the writing process, teaching them to plan, organize, write, revise, and reflect on their work.

Because SRSD is adaptable, it supports a wide range of educational contexts. It can strengthen a standard writing curriculum or serve as a writing curriculum for special education settings, ensuring all learners receive the structured guidance they need. SRSD helps students internalize strategies they can use independently across various genres and formats.

Shifting from Assignments to Instruction

Examining your current teaching methods is crucial in understanding SRSD’s impact in your classroom. Are you focusing more on assigning writing tasks than explicitly teaching the writing process and strategies? Many existing programs direct students to “write a persuasive letter” or “compose a narrative essay” without showing them how to structure their work to meet the unique expectations of those genres. Students struggle, guess, or rely on trial-and-error approaches without a clear roadmap.

By integrating SRSD into your writing curriculum, you emphasize writing instruction over mere assignment completion. Students learn to establish goals, outline ideas, use genre-specific frameworks, draft clear, meaningful sentences with strong vocabulary, and monitor progress. The result is more thoughtful, coherent, and meaningful writing.

Integrating SRSD into Your Existing Curriculum

SRSD works alongside your current writing curriculum, supporting both teachers and students:

1.     Complementing Existing Assignments: If your lessons already include persuasive letters or narrative essays, SRSD provides the scaffolding students need. For instance, when guiding students through narrative writing instruction, SRSD helps them develop a clear sequence of events, incorporate sensory details, and maintain coherence. Students become more independent over time, employing the strategies they have internalized.

2.     Focusing on Genre Mastery: Many curricula rotate through multiple genres—narrative, persuasive, informative—without ensuring students have mastered any. SRSD offers targeted writing instruction that slow the process, ensuring students fully understand the characteristics of a genre before moving on. This approach reflects best practices in writing instruction and supports long-term mastery.

3.     Replacing Ineffective Components: Suppose parts of your current writing curriculum or syllabus focus primarily on lower-level skills. In that case, SRSD focuses on higher-order thinking and strategy use, incorporating innovative pedagogy to enhance learning outcomes. While spelling and grammar matter, they cannot produce skilled, strategic writers. SRSD encourages students to plan, organize, and self-monitor, helping them develop more complex and effective writing strategies. This approach also supports differentiated instruction, making it a valuable tool in a writing curriculum for special education classrooms.

The SRSD Process: Guiding Students Step-by-Step

SRSD instruction is built around six stages designed to gradually release responsibility from teacher to student, helping learners become confident and self-directed:

1.     Develop Background Knowledge: Teach foundational elements—such as recognizing persuasive techniques or narrative structure—so students understand what strong writing within the instructed genre looks like.

2.     Discuss It: Explain the purpose and benefits of the strategies, helping students see why these approaches matter. Clarifying the reasoning behind each strategy fosters buy-in and motivation.

3.     Model It: Demonstrate the writing process and strategies through think-alouds. For example, show students how to plan, write, revise, and evaluate a persuasive essay step-by-step. As students watch these demonstrations, they gain a clearer picture of effective writing.

4.     Memorize It: Help students internalize the strategies so they can recall and use them independently. Mnemonics, checklists, and practice exercises ensure the techniques become automatic–lessening the demand on their cognitive load.

5.     Support It: Provide guided practice. Offer feedback as students work, then gradually release this support, encouraging them to take on more responsibility for their writing.

6.     Independent Performance: Ultimately, students apply the strategies independently, adapting them to new genres and tasks. They gain the confidence to tackle any writing assignment, from a high-stakes test prompt to a classroom writing course project.

Addressing Common Challenges

·       “My students struggle to get started.” SRSD helps break down the writing process into manageable steps, showing students how to brainstorm, set goals, and begin writing without fear. This structured approach removes uncertainty and encourages forward momentum.

·       “The quality of my students’ writing is inconsistent.” Following SRSD’s explicit framework, students learn to produce organized, coherent, and genre-appropriate texts. Research about writing consistently supports the impact of direct, strategic instruction on overall writing quality.

·       “My students lack motivation.” SRSD includes self-regulation strategies that help students monitor their progress, recognize accomplishments, and celebrate successes. Over time, they gain greater confidence and enthusiasm and become more invested in their growth as writers.

Why Teachers Embrace SRSD

Educators who incorporate SRSD consistently report greater confidence in their ability to effectively teach writing and enhance literacy, with regular assessment playing a crucial role in understanding student progress. The approach streamlines lesson planning, simplifies the feedback process, and makes it easier to track student progress—critical components of writing professional development for teachers. Over time, students will engage with writing more profoundly and confidently, reflecting the impact of best practices in writing instruction.

Making a Case for SRSD

If your current curriculum needs explicit, evidence-based writing strategy instruction, SRSD offers a flexible, powerful solution. Integrating SRSD writing into your instruction provides students with clear, systematic strategies that move them from novice writers to independent, strategic thinkers. This focus on strategic instruction aligns with the science of writing; in fact, the SRSD studies contribute to the wealth of knowledge that is the science of writing. SRSD writing instruction can be adapted to meet diverse classroom needs in both general and special education classrooms.

In short, SRSD is not about discarding what you have but enhancing and refining it. You can transform your writing instruction by implementing Self-Regulated Strategy Development writing techniques. Whether you’re working within informative writing instruction, strengthening an existing writing course, or seeking to improve writing strategies for students with varying skill levels, SRSD is a proven, evidence-based approach. When you invest in SRSD, you invest in your students’ long-term success, offering them the tools they need to write confidently, critically, and effectively.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

Writing Strategies for Teachers: Why Writing Matters

A student writes in a notebook in a bright, empty lecture hall with wooden benches.

The Role of Writing in Student Strategy Development

In 2003, the National Commission on Writing released its landmark report, The Neglected “R”: The Need for a Writing Revolution, calling for a national shift to prioritize writing in American education. The report underscores a crucial truth for teachers: effective writing instruction isn’t an add-on—it’s central to equipping students for success in life and work. Writing impacts not only academic achievement but also economic mobility and critical thinking.

This blog will highlight key findings from the report, translating them into actionable insights for teachers shaping the next generation of writers. But first of all, let’s answer the question, why writing matters, through the lens of SRSD researcher Debra McKeown, and her TED Talk-styled video:

The Case for a Writing Revolution

Writing is more than a school subject; it’s a skill that shapes how students connect ideas, analyze information, and communicate effectively. Yet, according to the Commission, writing remains the most neglected of the “three Rs” (reading, ’riting, and ’rithmetic). The time devoted to writing in schools is insufficient, leaving students ill-prepared for college and the workforce.

Neglecting writing isn’t just an educational oversight; it’s a missed opportunity to empower students. In surveys cited by the report, over 90% of mid-career professionals identified writing as a crucial skill in their day-to-day work. Writing proficiency opens doors to employment, career advancement, and meaningful civic engagement.

This data highlights a call to action for teachers: writing instruction must be reimagined as a priority across all grade levels and disciplines.

Top 5 Reasons Why Writing Matters

The Commission emphasizes writing as a means of learning and discovery.

  • Enhances Communication Skills
    Writing is a foundational tool for clear and effective communication. It enables students to articulate their thoughts, share ideas, and convey information in a structured and impactful way. Strong writing skills are crucial for personal, academic, and professional success.
  • Critical for Academic Achievement
    Writing is central to learning across all subjects. It helps students analyze information, synthesize ideas, and demonstrate understanding. Research shows that writing across the curriculum improves writing ability and comprehension of other subjects, making it essential for educational success.
  • Boosts Career Opportunities
    Effective writing is a highly sought-after skill in the workforce. From crafting emails to preparing reports, professionals rely on writing to collaborate, persuade, and execute projects. Employers consistently rank communication skills, including writing, among the most essential competencies for career advancement.
  • Supports Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
    Writing encourages students to organize their thoughts, evaluate evidence, and draw conclusions. By engaging in the writing process, students develop the ability to think critically and solve problems—skills invaluable in academic and real-world contexts.
  • Empowers Personal Growth and Expression
    Writing is a powerful medium for self-expression and creativity. It allows students to explore their thoughts, share experiences, and connect with others. Beyond academics, writing can be therapeutic, helping individuals reflect on challenges and find clarity in their emotions.

By integrating writing into every subject, teachers can help students see its relevance and build skills that extend beyond the classroom.

Challenges to Writing Instruction

The Commission identifies several barriers that teachers face in delivering effective writing instruction:

  1. Limited Time: Writing is labor-intensive for both students and teachers. The report calls for doubling the time students spend on writing assignments, but the reality is that many educators need to be stretched thin.
  1. Professional Development Gaps: Many teachers need more training in writing instruction, a crucial component of effective pedagogy. As a result, even experienced educators may feel unequipped to teach writing with confidence.
  1. Assessment Hurdles: Writing assessments often focus on mechanics rather than substance, and standardized tests rarely capture the depth of students’ abilities.
  1. Technology Integration: While digital tools offer opportunities for collaboration and feedback, many schools need more resources to integrate technology effectively into writing instruction.

Addressing these challenges requires systemic support and creative solutions at the classroom level.

Strategies for Teachers

The Commission’s recommendations provide a roadmap for teachers looking to enhance their writing instruction through effective writing strategies. Here’s how to bring these ideas to life in your classroom:

1. Make Writing a Daily Practice

  • Encourage students to write daily, even for a few minutes. Journals, quick writes, and exit tickets are easy ways to incorporate writing into any subject.
  • Assign meaningful writing tasks that go beyond rote exercises. For example, ask students to write a persuasive letter about a community issue or reflect on a science experiment.

2. Embed Writing Across the Curriculum

  • Writing isn’t just for English class. Use writing to deepen learning in math, science, history, and art. For instance, have students explain their problem-solving process in math or analyze primary historical sources.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to develop interdisciplinary writing projects, such as research papers that combine social studies and environmental science.

3. Provide Meaningful Feedback

  • Shift the focus from editing for grammar to coaching students on ideas, structure, and voice. Praise what they do well before suggesting improvements.
  • Use peer reviews and conferences to create a collaborative writing culture in your classroom.

4. Leverage Technology

  • Introduce students to tools like Google Docs for drafting and revising or platforms like Grammarly for self-editing. These tools can save time and empower students to take ownership of their writing.
  • Experiment with multimedia writing assignments, such as creating digital stories or blogs, to engage students and broaden their understanding of writing possibilities.

5. Commit to Ongoing Professional Growth

  • Seek workshops, webinars, and writing communities to build expertise and refine your teaching methodology. The National Writing Project, for example, offers opportunities to collaborate with fellow educators and refine your approach to teaching writing.
  • Take time to write yourself. Experiencing firsthand the challenges and rewards of writing will make you a more empathetic and effective teacher.

The Role of Assessment

The Commission advocates for authentic assessments, allowing students to demonstrate their skills through writing tasks. Here’s what that might look like in your classroom:

  • Portfolio-Based Assessments: Encourage students to compile a writing and literacy development portfolio, showcasing their growth over time. Include drafts, revisions, and final pieces to emphasize the writing process.
  • Rubrics for Clarity: Develop rubrics focusing on content, organization, voice, grammar, and mechanics. Share these rubrics with students so they understand how their work will be evaluated.
  • Time to Write: Whenever possible, give students the time to plan, write, and revise. Authentic assessment takes time, but it’s worth the investment in students’ development.

Building a Culture of Writing

Creating a writing revolution starts with shifting classroom culture. Celebrate writing as a vital skill and a form of self-expression. Share examples of excellent writing from literature, history, and even student work. Most importantly, show students that their voices matter.

When students see writing as more than an assignment—a tool for discovery, persuasion, and connection—and apply effective writing strategies, they’ll be motivated to improve. And when teachers are equipped with the right strategy and support, they can guide students to become confident, capable writers.

A Call to Action

The National Commission on Writing’s vision remains as relevant today as it was in 2003. To close the gap between the skills students have and the skills they need, writing must become a national priority—and a classroom staple.

For teachers, this is both a challenge and an opportunity. By integrating writing into daily instruction, advocating for professional development, and using creative assessments, we can ignite a writing revolution that prepares students for school, work, and life success.

Writing isn’t just a skill; it’s a pathway to opportunity. Let’s help our students seize it.


  1. Bureau of Labor StatisticsOccupational Outlook Handbook, 2002-2003. Washington: Government Printing Office, 2002. 
  2. Light, Richard J. Making the Most of College. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
  3. National Commission on the High School Senior YearRaising Our Sights. Washington: U.S. Department of Education, July 2001.
  4. National Institute of EducationBecoming a Nation of Readers. Washington: U.S. Department of Education, 1985.
  5. Center for Survey Research & AnalysisHistory Research Paper Study. November 2002.
  6. The College BoardTen-Year Trend in SAT Scores Indicates Increased Emphasis on Math Is Yielding Results; Reading and Writing Are Causes for Concern. Princeton, NJ: College Entrance Examination Board, 2002.
  7. Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates of the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of CaliforniaAcademic Literacy: A Statement of Competencies Expected of Students Entering California’s Public Colleges and Universities. Sacramento: ICAS, 2002.
  8. The Chronicle of Higher Education. “Why Johnny Can’t Write, Even Though He Went to Princeton.” January 3, 2003.
  9. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education StatisticsThe NAEP 1998 Writing Report Card for the Nation and the States
  10. National Council of Teachers of EnglishWriting Assessment: A Position Statement, 2002.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

Writing Strategies for Elementary Students: SRSD for Grades 1 and 2

Kindergarten teacher guiding children in a writing activity

Engaging Young Writers: Practical Tips and Activities

In a groundbreaking study, Yes. They Can: Developing transcription skills and oral language in tandem with SRSD instruction on close reading of science text to write informative essays at grades 1 and 2, published in the research journal Contemporary Educational Psychology, Harris et al. (2023) explored the transformative potential of combining Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) with explicit instruction in transcription and oral language skills, plus close reading of science texts for first and second-graders.

The study was conducted with students in a high-poverty school. It is the first to investigate whether young children should learn foundational skills before learning to compose a written text. The findings demonstrated significant improvements in writing quality, planning, vocabulary, and structural elements of students’ essays, showcasing the power of evidence-based, multi-component instruction to elevate early literacy outcomes. These results provide a compelling case for integrating writing process instruction with skills-based approaches in primary classrooms, addressing critical gaps in early literacy education.


Writing is a critical skill that is the foundation for academic success, personal development, and future career opportunities. Despite its importance, writing instruction, including instructional opportunities at the early grade levels, is often lacking. There have been ongoing debates and questions about whether students should learn transcription and oral language skills before learning skills for writing. However, “Yes, They Can…” demonstrates that combining skills with effective writing strategies and instruction yields remarkable results, even in first and second-grade classrooms.

Why Focus on Young Writers?

The early grades are pivotal for developing literacy skills, but insufficient instruction can affect students in the long term. Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) highlights concerning trends. Only 27% of U.S. eighth and twelfth graders perform at or above the proficient level in writing, with significant disparities among students from underserved communities. Similarly, many students struggle with reading comprehension, which is intricately linked to writing success. The NAEP reading data: 34% of fourth graders scored below basic, and only 35% scored at or above proficient. For 8th graders, 27% scored below basic, and only 34% scored at or above proficient.

Addressing these challenges requires integrating evidence-based practices, such as SRSD, into early writing instruction. SRSD’s structured approach helps students develop self-regulation, planning, and writing strategies, laying a strong foundation for lifelong literacy.

Overview of the Study

The randomized controlled trial included 93 first- and second-grade students from a high-poverty school. Participants were randomly assigned to either the “SRSD Plus” group or a control group with typical writing instruction (writers’ workshop in this case). Over 10 weeks, students in the SRSD Plus group received instruction three times per week for 45 minutes per session. Key components of SRSD Plus included:

  • SRSD for Writing: Strategies for planning, composing, and revising informative essays, supported by close reading of science texts aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
  • Transcription Skills: Explicit instruction in handwriting and spelling to enhance fluency.
  • Vocabulary and Sentence Structure: Focused activities to build tier 2 and content-specific vocabulary and sentence proficiency activities, including combining and completion.

Key Findings

This graph shows the positive impact of SRSD (Self-Regulated Strategy Development) instruction on various writing-related skills for elementary students. The bars represent the effect sizes for different outcomes, with a higher effect size indicating a more substantial improvement. Vocabulary showed the most prominent effect (2.29), demonstrating significant gains in students’ word knowledge and use. Planning effectiveness (1.40), transition words (1.33), and spelling (1.18) also showed substantial improvements. Writing quality improved by an effect size of 1.02, and writing productivity saw a more minor but meaningful boost (0.82). The structural elements of writing, like organizing essays, showed the smallest gain (0.29), indicating this may require further focus.

Graph showing positive student results from SRSD Instruction

The study’s results showcase the transformative impact of SRSD Plus on young learners:

Improved Writing Quality: Students in the SRSD Plus group achieved significantly higher writing quality scores than their peers, with an effect size of 1.02. First graders in the intervention group produced writing that matched the quality of second graders in the control group, indicating a substantial improvement in writing quality.

Enhanced Writing Productivity: Students in the SRSD Plus group wrote longer, more detailed compositions. First graders increased their average word count from 16 to 52 words per composition. Second graders wrote nearly twice as many words as their control group peers.

Mastery of Structural Elements: The intervention significantly improved students’ use of structural elements, such as topic sentences, big ideas, and conclusions, aligning with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) expectations.

Stronger Vocabulary and Sentence Proficiency: The focus on Tier 2 vocabulary (high-utility words) and complex sentence structures led to measurable gains:

            a. Vocabulary Effect Size: 2.29 (large effect).

            b. Sentence Proficiency Effect Size: 0.29 (moderate effect).

Effective Planning Skills: Students learned to create detailed, goal-oriented plans for their writing. These plans included key ideas, supporting details, and organizational notes with a very large 1.40 effect size.

Reading-Writing Integration: By closely reading science texts, students improved their ability to extract key ideas and use them effectively in their writing, utilizing available resources to enhance their learning process. This integration of reading and writing supports comprehension and content learning.

Breaking Barriers in Early Writing Instruction

This study addresses longstanding debates about whether elementary students can handle the cognitive demands of integrating transcription, oral language, and writing strategies. The findings demonstrate that:

  • Cognitive Overload Concerns are Unfounded: Young learners can successfully manage these complex tasks with proper scaffolding and support.
  • Equity in Literacy Instruction is Achievable: SRSD Plus provided a structured approach to meet the needs of all students and gave them access to evidence-based, effective literacy instruction.

Practical Implications for Teachers

For educators, the study offers clear guidance on implementing SRSD techniques and writing strategies for elementary students to support early writing development:

Explicit and Systematic Instruction: Integrate curriculum-aligned content by breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, guiding students through each stage of the writing process.

Integration of Reading and Writing: Students should read informational texts closely to build content knowledge and provide a basis for writing tasks.

Scaffolded Learning: Gradually release responsibility to students after providing explicit modeling, allowing them to develop independence while maintaining high expectations.

Frequent Practice: Provide regular opportunities and resources for students to write, plan, and revise their work, emphasizing the importance of engagement, perseverance, and self-regulation throughout the writing process.

Combine Skills Instruction with Compositional Instruction: Incorporate activities that build handwriting fluency, spelling accuracy, vocabulary, and sentence complexity alongside strategic instruction for writing.


The study by Dr. Karen Harris and colleagues underscores the power of SRSD and writing strategies for elementary students to unlock young learners’ writing potential. By integrating evidence-based practices for reading, writing, and skills instruction in a content area, educators can empower their students to become confident, skilled writers who excel academically and beyond. For teachers seeking to make a lasting impact, SRSD provides a proven framework for fostering success in the classroom and beyond.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

Self-Modeling: Unlocking Student Potential with Video Self-Modeling and SRSD

A Proven Writing Strategy for the Classroom

Writing can be a challenging task for many students, particularly those with learning disabilities (LD) or autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Traditional methods of teaching writing often fall short of addressing the unique needs of struggling writers. However, a study by Katie M. Miller and Mary E. Little, published in Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal (2017), provides compelling evidence that combining Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) with Video Self-Modeling (VSM) can significantly improve students’ writing skills. This blog will explore the key findings from the study and offer practical steps for implementing VSM alongside SRSD in your classroom.

Student gives classroom presentation

Why Writing Instruction Needs a Boost

Writing is an essential tool for communication, learning, and self-expression. For students in school, writing provides a concrete measure of their understanding and a means to demonstrate knowledge. Yet, many students, particularly those with LD or autism, struggle with key aspects of the writing process, such as planning, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing.

Research shows that students with LD often have limited skills in planning their writing and understanding the features of good writing (Graham & Harris, 2009). They may also lack motivation and confidence in their writing abilities, making it even harder for them to succeed without a positive self-review of their progress. This is where SRSD and VSM combine to provide the support they need to thrive.

What is Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD)?

SRSD, developed by Dr. Karen Harris and Dr. Steve Graham, is a well-researched, evidence-based framework for teaching writing. It focuses on helping students learn strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and self-regulating their writing process. One of the popular mnemonics used in SRSD for opinion writing is POW + TREE:

  • POW: Pick my idea, Organize my notes, Write and say more
  • TREE: Topic sentence, Reasons, Examples, Ending

SRSD also emphasizes self-regulation techniques such as goal setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction, and self-reinforcement, all of which empower students to take control of their writing process.

What is Video Self-Modeling (VSM)?

VSM is a technique grounded in evidence-based practice, where students watch videos of themselves completing a task. The videos show students performing skills they may not yet be able to independently but can do so with support. This “future model of success” helps students visualize themselves succeeding, which boosts their confidence and motivation.

The feedforward method used in VSM involves recording students with scaffolds (e.g., prompts, guides) and then editing out those supports. The final video shows the student performing the task independently, providing a powerful visual reinforcement of their potential and utilizing self-modeling to enhance their skills.

The Study: SRSD + VSM for Third-Grade Students with LD

In their 2017 study, Miller and Little examined the effects of combining SRSD with VSM on the writing performance of three third-grade students with learning disabilities. The researchers used a multiple probe across participants design to measure various aspects of writing, including the number of essay elements, length of essays, and time spent writing.

Key Findings:

  • Improved Essay Elements: All students increased the number of opinion essay elements (topic sentence, reasons, examples, and ending) in their writing. For example, one student, Marie, went from writing three essay elements during the baseline phase to ten elements during the intervention phase.
  • Increased Essay Length: Two students wrote longer essays after the intervention. Marie’s essay length increased from an average of 21 words in the baseline phase to 62 words during the intervention.
  • Retention of Skills: Students who received a VSM booster session retained their writing skills at mastery levels during the maintenance phase due to the effective interventions. For example, Bree received a booster session and maintained her essay elements score.
  • Increased Writing Time: All students engaged more in writing after the intervention, showing increased focus and effort during writing tasks.

Why VSM is a Game-Changer in Writing Instruction

The combination of SRSD and VSM addresses two critical barriers to writing success: lack of strategy knowledge and low self-efficacy. Here’s why VSM is so effective:

  1. Boosts Confidence: Students see themselves succeeding, which builds their belief in their abilities.
  2. Provides a Clear Model: VSM shows students precisely what success looks like, helping them internalize the steps needed to achieve it.
  3. Reduces Anxiety: Seeing a video of themselves succeeding can reduce students’ anxiety about writing tasks.
  4. Promotes Self-Regulation: VSM helps students take ownership of their learning by reinforcing self-monitoring and goal-setting behaviors.

Practical Steps for Using VSM in Your Classroom

  1. Identify the Writing Strategy: Start by teaching a specific writing strategy, such as POW + TREE, using the SRSD framework.
  2. Record the Student: Once the student is familiar with the strategy, record a video of them using it successfully. For example, you can record them completing a graphic organizer or explaining their essay plan.
  3. Edit the Video: Remove any scaffolds or prompts provided during the recording. The final video should show the student completing the task independently.
  4. Watch the Video: Have the student watch their self-modeling video at the start of each writing session to reinforce their learning.
  5. Provide Booster Sessions: If a student’s performance declines offer a booster session where they watch their video again to refresh their memory and confidence.

Real-Life Example: Bree’s Story

Bree, one of the students in the study, struggled with generating ideas and organizing her thoughts, illustrating how psychology principles can be applied to improve cognitive processes. After participating in SRSD lessons and watching her VSM video, she improved significantly, highlighting the importance of task analysis in understanding and executing writing strategies. Bree began using self-statements like, “I can do this!” and could write more structured essays with better content. When her performance dropped, a quick booster session with her VSM video returned her to mastery levels.

Addressing Teacher Concerns

Concern 1: I don’t have time to create videos for every student.

  • Solution: Start small by creating videos for a few students who need the most support. As you become more comfortable with the process, you can expand.

Concern 2: I don’t have the technology.

  • Solution: Most smartphones and tablets have built-in cameras and simple editing tools. There’s no need for fancy equipment.

Concern 3: Will this work for all students?

  • Solution: While the study focused on students with LD, VSM can be beneficial for all students, especially those with autism or those who struggle with confidence or motivation.

The Bigger Picture: Transforming Writing Instruction

Incorporating VSM and self-modeling into your writing instruction can create a more supportive and engaging learning environment. Students will learn writing strategies and develop the confidence to use them independently. The combination of SRSD and VSM provides a powerful tool for helping students become more self-regulated, motivated, and successful writers.

Final Thoughts

The study by Miller and Little shows that combining SRSD with VSM effectively improves writing outcomes for students with learning disabilities. However, the benefits of VSM go beyond this specific population. All students can benefit from seeing themselves succeed. As educators, we have the power to help students unlock their potential by providing them with tools and strategies that build both skills and confidence.

Start small, conduct a positive self-review, and watch how a simple video can transform a student’s approach to writing. The results may surprise you.

Citation: Miller, K. M., & Little, M. E. (2017). Examining the Effects of SRSD in Combination with Video Self-Modeling on Writing by Third-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal. doi:10.1080/09362835.2017.1283622

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to preserving the legacies of SRSD pioneers Karen Harris and Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a risk-free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD.

SRSD Writing Reinvented: The Science of Writing Takes Flight in 2025

Two Years in the Making: Unveiling the Future of SRSD Writing Strategy Instruction

SRSD Online is excited to unveil our fully redesigned teacher training courses and website, offering educators and schools worldwide access to evidence-based writing instruction grounded in the Science of Writing. Our transformation is focused on delivering the most effective, engaging, and accessible professional development in Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD). Whether you’re an experienced SRSD practitioner or exploring evidence-based writing instruction for the first time, SRSDOnline.com is your destination for innovative resources, groundbreaking training, and cutting-edge materials to transform education, teaching, and writing outcomes in your school or district.

New SRSD Online Training

We’ve added exciting new online course features and expanded offerings to make SRSD more accessible and impactful for individual educators and groups. We’ve reimagined SRSD online training, particularly our Instructional Coach training and K-5 and Secondary Educator courses. Built from the ground up, with input from SRSD creator Karen Harris as well as Steve Graham and top SRSD researchers, our programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of educators at every level.

Reinvented Instructional Coach Training

Our two-year “Train-the-Trainer” SRSD Master Class is a standout feature. This advanced training immerses instructional coaches in evidence-based strategies through:

  • Synchronous Training: Live Zoom sessions with SRSD classroom experts and researchers.
  • Course Access: Full access to our Writing to Learn™ course and instructional coach materials for continuous reference.
  • Mentorship and Support: Two years of  synchronous and on-demand mentoring, guidance from SRSD professionals, and ample resources to aid your journey.
  • Practice-Based Learning: Hands-on activities designed to prepare coaches to lead impactful teacher training sessions.
  • Customizable Implementation: Pre-program planning to tailor SRSD to your school’s curriculum.

Upon completion, Instructional Coaches will be ready to mentor educators, ensure fidelity in SRSD implementation, and confidently lead writing instruction initiatives.

Brand-New K-5 and Secondary Teacher Courses

We’re thrilled to introduce our new K-5 and secondary online SRSD teacher courses for genre-based writing. These courses have been redesigned to equip educators with the confidence and expertise needed to implement SRSD effectively at any grade level, ensuring transformative writing instruction for all students, including those with learning disabilities.

  • Evidence-Based Learning: Rooted in decades of classroom research and proven methodologies.
  • Classroom modeling videos, explicit lesson plans, and actionable strategies.
  • Flexibility: Self-paced modules that fit into the busiest of schedules.

K-1 SRSD Content: Supporting Early Learners

For the youngest writers, our innovative K-1 SRSD content comprises supplemental materials and adaptations to focus on the foundational skills children need to excel in later grades. Our program emphasizes verbal instruction and drawing, enabling early learners to develop their ideas visually and verbally, while building their background knowledge in genre-based terms and concepts. By prioritizing language development and self-expression, this training lays a strong foundation for genre-based writing, ensuring that students have the confidence and skills to flourish in their writing journeys by second grade.

SRSD Training for Students with Learning Disabilities

Understanding the unique challenges of teaching students with learning disabilities, we have designed our courses to support educators in this critical work. These sessions highlight SRSD’s proven strengths in fostering metacognition, goal-setting, and self-regulation skills, while offering a deep dive into the SRSD framework. Our training addresses learners’ diverse needs and abilities, equipping teachers with effective strategies in self-regulation to overcome challenges and leverage student strengths. Through interactive modules, hands-on activities, and ongoing mentorship from expert SRSD researchers, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to deliver personalized, impactful writing instruction tailored to every student.

Customized Group Training from Pilots to Districtwide Programs

Whether you choose our one-year PilotWhole School/District Adoption, or Train-the-Trainer group program for Instructional Coaches, each option is designed to deliver fiscally responsible solutions that improve student achievement. Through synchronous Zoom training with our SRSD researchers, our group programs integrate SRSD strategies across your entire school community with advanced training and access to resources that ensure lasting improvements. With SRSD Online group training, you’ll gain the tools, support, and flexibility needed to transform writing instruction and achieve meaningful, lasting results for your students.

SRSD Writing for Pre-Service Teachers

Prepare future educators to revolutionize writing instruction with our SRSD Pre-Service Teaching Writing Program, a comprehensive, evidence-based K-12 genre-based composition course designed for university students in teacher preparation programs. Professors benefit from a turnkey solution with ready-to-use instructional materials, assessments, and expert guidance. They will also have access to student course progress and self-assessment analytics. Future teachers graduate with advanced writing instruction skills, setting themselves apart in the job market and ensuring their students thrive as confident, capable writers. This program is more than an addition to teacher preparation—it’s a foundation for lasting success in the classroom.

New SRSD Website

Our brand new SRSDOnline.org website is your one-stop hub for everything related to Self-Regulated Strategy Development. Explore a wealth of free resources, including downloadable materials and informative articles designed to support your SRSD journey. Dive deep into the research behind SRSD with our extensive library of studies and publications. Whether you’re a seasoned SRSD practitioner or just starting, SRSD Online has everything you need to empower yourself and your students. 

New SRSD Research Library

Discover the unparalleled effectiveness of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) through our extensive library of SRSD research studies and meta-analyses available at SRSDOnline.org/research. SRSD is the world’s most thoroughly studied, evidence-based writing approach, with decades of research proving its transformative impact on student outcomes. From improving writing skills and comprehension to fostering critical thinking, SRSD’s explicit strategies help students organize their thoughts, master genre-based writing, and build confidence in their abilities. Whether seeking evidence to advocate for SRSD in your school or aiming to deepen your understanding of its proven methods, our comprehensive research library is your ultimate resource.

Take the Next Step

We invite you to explore the new SRSDOnline.org today! Whether searching for free tools, diving into the latest research, or enrolling in our training programs, our mission is to revolutionize writing instruction and help you transform student outcomes through SRSD and the Science of Writing.

About the Author

Randy Barth is CEO of SRSD Online and The Science of Writing, which innovates evidence-based writing instruction for educators. Randy is dedicated to spreading the work of SRSD pioneer Karen Harris and lead researcher Steve Graham to make SRSD a standard practice in today’s classrooms. For more information on SRSD, schedule a free consultation with Randy using this link:  Schedule a time to talk SRSD 

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