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SRSD tools & books


Great teacher resources curated by Dr. Karen R. Harris.

Books & articles by SRSD Researchers

Dr. Karen Harris' new SRSD Book Design Principles for Teaching Effective Writing 2018

Design Principles for Teaching Effective Writing

Edited by Raquel Fidalgo (University of León), Karen R. Harris (Arizona State University), and Martine Braaksma (Education Council of the Netherlands). (2018)

Theoretical and Empirical Grounded Principles. This volume presents effective instructional programs focused on two perspectives on writing: the teaching and learning of writing as a skill and the use of writing as a learning activity in various school subjects or skills acquisition.

“I am so excited about this book because it is truly a multiple country, multiple lines of research contribution to the field of writing and learning and there’s no other book like it before.  It is dedicated to those of us who care so much about not only learning to write but writing to learn.” – Dr. Karen Harris

Free companion E-chapter downloads with teacher materials

POW+TREE+TWA for Writing Persuasively from Source Text: Lesson Plans, Materials, and Tips

Karen R. Harris and Steve Graham

SRSD for RAFT Writing

Linda H. Mason and D. Paul Haspel



Edited by Raquel Fidalgo (University of León), Karen R. Harris (Arizona State University), and Martine Braaksma (Education Council of the Netherlands) (2018)

Powerful writing strategies for all students - SRSD Book

Powerful writing strategies for all students

Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Mason, L. H., & Friedlander, B. (2008).

This book includes a discussion of how and why to use SRSD for writing, followed by lesson plans for all of the strategies we had developed for elementary through high school students by 2008, as well as prompts and support materials for instruction. We are very excited to have this book available to teachers and parents, as it gives everything needed to use SRSD. Note, this book is less expensive at Amazon.com than it is from the publisher.

Building comprehension in adolescents - SRSD Book

Building comprehension in adolescents: Powerful strategies for improving reading and writing in content areas.

Mason, L., Reid, R., Hagaman, J. (2012).

This book, like the book “Powerful writing strategies for all students”, comes complete with SRSD lesson plans and offers strategies proven to be effective in both reading and writing.

Teaching secondary students to write effectively - SRSD Resource

Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively

What Works Clearinghouse ™

Dr. Steve Graham, Warner Professor in the Division of Leadership and Innovation, Arizona State University, was the head of a panel of experts that assisted the What Works Clearinghouse in developing recommendations for its practice guide on effective writing for secondary students. These are the strategies taught by our new 6-12 & College Ready SRSD online courses.

Writing better - SRSD Book

Writing better: Teaching writing processes and self-regulation to students with learning problems.

Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2005).

This book provides detail on each strategy we have developed, how the strategies can be scaled down or scaled up for different students, and covers the SRSD approach. Strategies useful in elementary through high school are included.

Making the writing process work - SRSD Book

Making the writing process work: Strategies for composition and self-regulation (2nd Ed.).

Harris, K., & Graham, S. (1996).

Karen and Steve’s original book, there is greater detail for teachers on how to implement SRSD and develop the self-regulation components here than in either of the other two books we have written. There are detailed chapters on preparing, implementing, and evaluating SRSD instruction.

Strategy instruction for students with learning disabilities - SRSD Book

Strategy instruction for students with learning disabilities(2nd Ed.).

Reid, R., Lienemann, T.O., & Hagaman, J. (2013).

This book covers a broad range of research on and application of strategies instruction, going beyond writing/reading. Although the title indicates students with LD, this book includes strategies that can be used will all students as needed.

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It All Starts Here: Fixing Our National Writing Crisis From the Foundation

Steve Graham, Ed.D.

One of our nation’s senior writing researchers, Steve Graham, Ed.D., has identified strategies for teachers that have been proven to work according to evidence-based research.

Adobe PDF on SRSD

Self-regulated strategy development in the classroom: Part of a balanced approach to writing instruction for students with disabilities

Harris, K.R., Graham. S., & Mason, L. (2003).

Focus on Exceptional Children, 35, 1-16. This article gives a detailed description of implementation of SRSD in one classroom.


Making it work: Differentiating tier two writing instruction with Self-Regulated Strategy Development in tandem with schoolwide positive behavioral support for second graders.

Sandmel, K, Brindle, M., Harris, K.R., Lane, K.L., Graham, S., Little, A., Nackel, J., & Mathias, R. (2009).

This article details how instruction was differentiated for three-second grade students with different behavioral and writing strengths and needs. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42, 22-33.

Online SRSD resources

ASCD DVD Teaching students with learning disabilities in the regular classroom

Using learning strategies Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (2002)

Project Write

Vanderbilt University Online description of SRSD stages of instruction

IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University

Online interactive SRSD tutorial SRSD: Using Learning Strategies To Enhance Student Learning

Spanish version

Usar las estrategias de aprendizaje

D. University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Dr. Bob Reid’s website on strategy instruction: Excellent overview of SRSD development stages

Teacher run SRSD Websites

Teaching in the Middle

SRSD Videos & Lessons

Using SRSD in Math Problem Solving

Oodles of Teaching Fun Tennessee

SRSD resources website with Poster, Graphic organizers, videos and links

Tennessee Video on POW + TIDE 1st grade

49 minutes of video

Pitner’s Potpourri

SRSD Clip art


1000’s of teachers are experiencing unprecedented writing and excelled learning results using Self-Regulation Strategy Development (SRSD). Additionally, SRSD success is cumulative and achieves generalization to other disciplines. Here are just a handful of our SRSD stories.


To schedule your discovery call, please reach out to Randy Barth: