Our Researchers

SRSD Online is dedicated to supporting researchers like you by providing the resources and collaboration needed to advance SRSD research and its practical applications. By partnering with us, you’ll gain access to comprehensive support, expert training, and a global community committed to enhancing literacy education.

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SRSD Online is Dedicated to Supporting Writing Researchers with Evidence-based Programs

Comprehensive Support

Enhance your research initiatives with our school-wide transformation initiatives, teacher training, digital lesson plans, and train-the-trainer programs. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you have the tools and resources necessary to drive meaningful change and achieve impactful results in your research.

Observation Tools

Collect progress data from your trainers, teachers, and online courses during training and implementation. These tools provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of SRSD strategies, helping you refine your approach and measure success.

Advanced Training

Our Advanced Instructional Coaches Training – Train-the-Trainer- includes tools to plan and manage multi-year programs, ensuring teacher fidelity and seamless integration into their curriculum. All courses come with lesson plans, customizable teaching tools, guides, and classroom modeling videos, for every step of the SRSD learning process.

Collaborative Assistance

Partner with our SRSD researchers for help with design, implementation, and evaluation, whether as advisors, providers, or co-applicants. Benefit from our researchers’ extensive experience in effectively scaling SRSD in school-wide programs, empowering you to achieve impactful outcomes.

Areas of Interest

Our expertise includes Online Professional Learning, Train-the-Trainer programs to lead teacher practice, integrating SRSD with existing curricula, digital assessment tools, and much more. We are committed to advancing the field of literacy education through cutting-edge research and practical applications.

“At SRSD Online, we understand that researchers have specific challenges, and we’re here to help with comprehensive, customized support and collaboration to make a real difference in classrooms. We share your goals, making sure you have everything you need to succeed in your SRSD research efforts.”

Dr. Sandy Jones

SRSD Online

Meet Leading SRSD Researchers
and Discover The Science of Writing

Dr. Karen Harris

Karen created SRSD, revolutionizing education by developing a model that improves students’ writing through explicit strategy instruction, self-regulation, and social-emotional learning. Her research with colleagues has shown significant...

Karen created SRSD, revolutionizing education by developing a model that improves students’ writing through explicit strategy instruction, self-regulation, and social-emotional learning. Her research with colleagues has shown significant improvements in writing quality among diverse student groups, including those with learning disabilities, and has demonstrated the model’s scalability across various educational settings. Recognized for her impactful publications and over 120 studies on SRSD, she was awarded the Samuel A. Kirk Award in 2013 for her outstanding contributions to the field of education. 

Read Karen’s thoughts on SRSD: Improving Academic Achievement through Instruction in Self-Regulated Strategy Development: The Science Behind the Practice Inside IES Research blog, (2022)

Dr. Steve Graham

Steve has significantly contributed to writing and education over his 40+ year career, authoring influential handbooks and reports that have shaped educational practices globally. His leadership extends to...

Steve has significantly contributed to writing and education over his 40+ year career, authoring influential handbooks and reports that have shaped educational practices globally. His leadership extends to editorial roles and advisory positions with organizations like UNESCO, NIH, the U.S. Department of Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Institute of Educational Sciences, the Office of Special Education Programs, and What Works Clearinghouse. Recognized for his impactful work, he has received awards such as the Thorndike Career Award from the American Psychological Association and the Sylvia Scribner Award from the American Educational Research Association.

For an in-depth look at his groundbreaking work, read “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Writing Research: A Festschrift for Steve Graham,” which celebrates his vast contributions to the field.

April Camping

April has contributed to the field of education through her SRSD writing instruction research and classroom work. Holding a Ph.D. in Learning, Literacies, and Technologies from Arizona State...

April has contributed to the field of education through her SRSD writing instruction research and classroom work. Holding a Ph.D. in Learning, Literacies, and Technologies from Arizona State University, she specializes in literacy instruction and the education of emergent bilingual students. As the Research Director for SRSD Online, April provides professional development and implementation support, collaborates with esteemed institutions, and actively pursues research opportunities, further advancing the impact of SRSD in diverse educational settings.

Our favorite study featuring April Camping is: “Writing Motives and Writing Achievement of Elementary School Students from Diverse Language Backgrounds” (Camping, Graham, & Harris, 2023).

Dr. Erin Fitzpatrick

Erin has advanced the field of special education through her dedication to practice-based professional development and literacy instruction for students with learning disabilities. She created effective SRSD programs...

Erin has advanced the field of special education through her dedication to practice-based professional development and literacy instruction for students with learning disabilities. She created effective SRSD programs to teach informational writing in inclusive settings, improving student outcomes. Currently an Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Erin has authored impactful publications and peer-reviewed articles, earning recognition for her contributions to education and practice-based research.

Our favorite study featuring Dr. Erin FitzPatrick is: “Writing from Multiple Source Texts: SRSD for Fifth Grade Learners in Inclusive Settings” published in Learning Disabilities Research and Practice in 2021.


Dr. Linda H. Mason

Linda is a Professor of Special Education and the Director of the Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human Disability at George Mason University. She has contributed to advancing...

Linda is a Professor of Special Education and the Director of the Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human Disability at George Mason University. She has contributed to advancing SRSD, particularly in reading comprehension and content-area writing. With over $6 million in research funding, she has tailored the SRSD model to enhance writing and reading comprehension, emphasizing its adaptability for diverse learners, including those with learning disabilities. An accomplished scholar, she has co-authored numerous publications, presented at over 150 conferences, and served in leadership roles in major organizations, earning prestigious awards such as the Fulbright Scholarship and the Council for Exceptional Children Research Award.

Dr. Linda H. Mason is the lead author on the SRSD adolescent book: Building comprehension in adolescents: Powerful strategies for improving reading and writing in content areas. Mason, L., Reid, R., Hagaman, J. (2012)


Dr. Charles MacArthur

Charles is a professor emeritus at the University of Delaware. He has been influential in developing and refining the SRSD model, particularly in his research on writing strategies...

Charles is a professor emeritus at the University of Delaware. He has been influential in developing and refining the SRSD model, particularly in his research on writing strategies for students with learning disabilities like dysgraphia. He has investigated how SRSD can be adapted to better serve these students, focusing on the writing process’s planning, writing, and revising stages. Dr. MacArthur has led major research projects and has been recognized with the Special Education Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children.

Our favorite SRSD study featuring Dr. Charles MacArthur is: “Best Practices in Writing Instruction,” where he co-authored the chapter on planning with Erin FitzPatrick (2006).

Dr. Debra McKeown

Debra has dedicated her research to validating the effectiveness of SRSD in classroom settings, emphasizing practical implementation to enhance student engagement and writing outcomes. Her studies delve into...

Debra has dedicated her research to validating the effectiveness of SRSD in classroom settings, emphasizing practical implementation to enhance student engagement and writing outcomes. Her studies delve into adapting SRSD for different writing genres, aligning with educational standards, and tailoring the method for various classroom contexts while maintaining fidelity to the core components. With over a decade of classroom teaching and her current focus on writing intervention research in urban environments, she actively demonstrates the efficacy of SRSD through federal grants. She presents her findings at national and international conferences.

Our favorite SRSD study featuring Dr. Debra McKeown is “Professional Development for Evidence-Based Writing Instruction: Elevating Fourth Grade Outcomes,” published in Contemporary Educational Psychology in 2023.


Dr. Michael Hebert

Michael has advanced SRSD by focusing on the relationship between writing skills and reading comprehension, emphasizing how progress in one area can enhance the other. His research demonstrates...

Michael has advanced SRSD by focusing on the relationship between writing skills and reading comprehension, emphasizing how progress in one area can enhance the other. His research demonstrates the value of teaching students to write about the texts they read, thus improving reading comprehension and integrating literacy skills beyond traditional writing instruction. As an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, he has authored numerous influential publications that establish his significant role in expanding SRSD research, especially for students with writing and behavioral challenges.

Our favorite SRSD study featuring Dr. Michael Hebert is: “Writing to Read: A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Writing and Writing Instruction on Reading,” published in Harvard Educational Review in 2010.


Dr. Rui A. Alves

Rui is a prominent SRSD researcher at the University of Porto. His research has been widely recognized, earning him accolades such as the European Association for Research on...

Rui is a prominent SRSD researcher at the University of Porto. His research has been widely recognized, earning him accolades such as the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Outstanding Publication Award. His work has profoundly impacted educational practices, advancing literacy education for diverse student populations.

The most recent study from Dr. Rui A. Alves was in 2023: The impact of combining SRSD instruction with a brief growth mindset intervention on sixth graders’ writing motivation and performance


Dr. Sharlene “Shar” Kiuhara

Shar is known for her work on enhancing writing skills among students with learning disabilities and diverse educational needs and has co-authored influential studies demonstrating the effectiveness of...

Shar is known for her work on enhancing writing skills among students with learning disabilities and diverse educational needs and has co-authored influential studies demonstrating the effectiveness of SRSD in various educational settings. Her research has been published in top journals, and she has received several awards, including the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division for Research Distinguished Early Career Research Award, highlighting her significant contributions to the field of literacy education.

One of the best SRSD studies by Dr. Sharlene Kiuhara is: A Meta-Analysis of Writing Instruction for Students in the Elementary Grades (2012)


Dr. Tanya Santangelo

Tanya is known for expanding SRSD to address broader educational contexts, focusing on teacher education and professional development. She emphasizes the importance of teacher beliefs and knowledge for...

Tanya is known for expanding SRSD to address broader educational contexts, focusing on teacher education and professional development. She emphasizes the importance of teacher beliefs and knowledge for the successful adoption and sustainability of SRSD, advocating for coaching and workshops to deepen educators’ understanding of its applications. Her work on SRSD’s scalability also examines systemic factors affecting implementation across diverse schools and districts. She offers insights into best practices for large-scale adoption to improve writing instruction for more students.

Our favorite study featuring Dr. Tanya Santangelo is: “Using Self-Regulated Strategy Development to Support Students Who Have ‘Trubol Giting Thangs Into Werds’” 2008


Dr. Kausalai “Kay” Wijekumar

Kay’s research focuses on integrating technology with SRSD to enhance writing skills among diverse student populations. Dr. Wijekumar has led numerous large-scale studies, including federally funded projects that...

Kay’s research focuses on integrating technology with SRSD to enhance writing skills among diverse student populations. Dr. Wijekumar has led numerous large-scale studies, including federally funded projects that demonstrate the effectiveness of SRSD in improving student writing. Her innovative work has been published in leading educational journals, and she has received prestigious awards such as the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

One of the best SRSD studies by Dr. Kausalai Wijekumar is: “The roles of writing knowledge, motivation, strategic behaviors, and skills in predicting elementary students’ persuasive writing from source material” (2019)


Barbara Friedlander

Barbara’s leadership as an Inclusion Coordinator in Maryland and a Nationally Board-Certified Special Education teacher has been instrumental in incorporating SRSD into classroom practice. With over two decades...

Barbara’s leadership as an Inclusion Coordinator in Maryland and a Nationally Board-Certified Special Education teacher has been instrumental in incorporating SRSD into classroom practice. With over two decades of experience in special education, she has co-authored influential SRSD books, including the widely acclaimed “Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students.” Her contributions have earned her recognition, such as the Learning Disabilities Association Sam Kirk Educator of the Year for 2024. As an SRSD training and educational policy leader, Dr. Friedlander’s influence shapes inclusive educational practices and co-teaching strategies.

Our favorite study featuring Dr. Barbara Friedlander is: Bring Powerful Writing Strategies Into Your Classroom! Why and How (2013)


Dr. Alyson Collins

Alyson, an associate professor of special education at Texas State University, is deeply committed to advancing writing outcomes for students with and at risk for disabilities through the...

Alyson, an associate professor of special education at Texas State University, is deeply committed to advancing writing outcomes for students with and at risk for disabilities through the “Turning the TIDE” project. This initiative focuses on providing professional development in text-based writing instruction. Her dedication to advancing writing instruction through SRSD is evident in her collaborative approach, working to enhance teacher training and practice in an inclusive setting. Dr. Collins has earned numerous awards for her scholarly activities, a testament to her significant contributions to SRSD research and education.

We love this SRSD blog by Dr. Alyson Collins: Research to Accelerate Pandemic Recovery in Special Education (2023)


Dr. Jessica Hagaman

Jessica is an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and an SRSD researcher who has significantly advanced writing instruction for students with learning disabilities. Her work...

Jessica is an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and an SRSD researcher who has significantly advanced writing instruction for students with learning disabilities. Her work focuses on enhancing and adapting SRSD for various educational contexts, particularly emphasizing strategy-based instruction to improve reading comprehension and writing skills. She has authored influential SRSD publications, conducts ongoing research studies, and teaches her students how to implement SRSD effectively in educational settings.

We love this recent SRSD study from Dr. Jessica Hagaman: Pre-service teacher implementation of strategy instruction: Effects on the comprehension of middle school students (2020)


Dr. Robert Reid

Bob is a leading SRSD researcher known for his contributions to special education. With a focus on improving writing instruction for students with learning disabilities, he has published...

Bob is a leading SRSD researcher known for his contributions to special education. With a focus on improving writing instruction for students with learning disabilities, he has published numerous influential studies on the effectiveness of SRSD. Dr. Reid has collaborated with renowned experts, including Steve Graham and Karen Harris, to develop and refine evidence-based practices that enhance students’ writing skills. His work has been instrumental in shaping educational strategies and policies, impacting literacy education.

Our favorite SRSD Study from Dr. Robert Reid is: Using Self-Regulated Strategy Development for Written Expression with Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2014)


Dr. Isabel Festas

Isabel is a professor at the University of Coimbra and a distinguished expert in SRSD writing instruction. Her research has significantly enhanced her understanding of cognition, instruction, and...

Isabel is a professor at the University of Coimbra and a distinguished expert in SRSD writing instruction. Her research has significantly enhanced her understanding of cognition, instruction, and literacy in reading and writing. Dr. Festas has authored numerous influential studies, including notable work on SRSD’s effectiveness for students with learning disabilities. She has been recognized with the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences Excellence in Research Award. Her contributions have had a lasting impact on educational psychology and literacy education.

One of the best SRSD studies by Dr. Isabel Festas is: Professional Development in Self-Regulated Strategy Development: Effects on the Writing Performance of Eighth Grade Portuguese Students (2014)


Dr. Amber Ray

Amber’s SRSD research focuses on understanding and improving the writing skills of students with diverse learning needs and has been widely published in leading educational journals, including co-authoring...

Amber’s SRSD research focuses on understanding and improving the writing skills of students with diverse learning needs and has been widely published in leading educational journals, including co-authoring several key studies on the efficacy of SRSD. Her work has earned her accolades, including the Outstanding Researcher Award from the International Literacy Association. Dr. Ray’s dedication to advancing literacy education continues to impact students and educators across various educational settings.

The most recent study by Dr. Amber Ray is:

“Instructional Coaches in Elementary Settings: Writing the Wave to Success with Self-Regulated Strategy Development for the Informational Genre” (2024)


Dr. Teresa Limpo

Teresa is a professor at the University of Porto and a leading SRSD. She has authored numerous influential studies, including meta-analyses that showcase SRSD’s effectiveness. She has received...

Teresa is a professor at the University of Porto and a leading SRSD. She has authored numerous influential studies, including meta-analyses that showcase SRSD’s effectiveness. She has received several awards for her contributions, such as the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Outstanding Publication Award. Her research has profoundly impacted educational psychology, advancing literacy education for diverse student populations.

One of the best SRSD studies by Dr. Teresa Limpo is: Tailoring Multicomponent Writing Interventions: Effects of Coupling Self-Regulation and Transcription Training (2017)


Dr. Pamela Bazis

Pam is an accomplished SRSD researcher specializing in literacy interventions and special education. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a concentration in Literacy Intervention Development from...

Pam is an accomplished SRSD researcher specializing in literacy interventions and special education. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a concentration in Literacy Intervention Development from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Bazis has made significant contributions through her work on the “Write Sounds” intervention, demonstrating its impact on foundational literacy skills. She has been awarded the Othmer’s Fellowship and recognized as Melissa ISD’s Elementary Teacher of the Year. Dr. Bazis continues to advance SRSD research, focusing on improving writing instruction for students with diverse learning needs.

Our favorite SRSD study by Dr. Pamela Bazis is: Assessment and Intervention in Overcoming Writing Difficulties An Illustration From the Self-Regulated Strategy Development Model (1999)


Dr. Bruce Saddler

Bruce is a prominent researcher in the field of special education and writing instruction, affiliated with the University at Albany, The State University of New York. His research...

Bruce is a prominent researcher in the field of special education and writing instruction, affiliated with the University at Albany, The State University of New York. His research focuses on improving writing skills in students with learning disabilities through SRSD and sentence combining. Dr. Saddler has published numerous studies and book chapters, including influential works on summarizing strategies for students with learning disabilities and the effects of peer-tutoring on writing performance. His collaborative efforts with renowned researchers such as Steve Graham and Karen Harris have significantly contributed to advancing effective writing instruction practices.

Our favorite SRSD study by Dr. Bruce Saddler is: Developing Self-Regulated Writers (2010)


Dr. Gary A. Troia

Gary is the editor of the book, “Instruction and Assessment for Struggling Writers: Evidence-Based Practices”, and “Lead co-editor of Putting Writing Research into Practice: Applications for Teacher Professional...

Gary is the editor of the book, “Instruction and Assessment for Struggling Writers: Evidence-Based Practices”, and “Lead co-editor of Putting Writing Research into Practice: Applications for Teacher Professional Development”, both published by Guilford Press. With colleagues Froma Roth and Colleen Worthington, he has authored a phonological awareness intervention program for young at risk children called Promoting Awareness of Speech Sounds (PASS), published by Attainment Company.

Our favorite SRSD study by Dr. Bruce Saddler is: The Effectiveness of a Highly Explicit, Teacher-Directed Strategy Instruction Routine


Dr. Xinghua Liu

Xinghua is an associate professor of Applied Linguistics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, specializing in the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) method for writing instruction. Dr. Liu has made...

Xinghua is an associate professor of Applied Linguistics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, specializing in the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) method for writing instruction. Dr. Liu has made significant contributions to the field through his research on integrating SRSD with language learning, particularly for non-native English speakers. He has received multiple awards, including the Outstanding Research Award from the Chinese Association of Applied Linguistics and the Distinguished Educator Award from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Our favorite SRSD study by Dr. Xinghua Liu is Effects of SRSD college entrance essay exam instruction for high school students with disabilities or at-risk for writing difficulties (2019)


Dr. Stephen Ciullo

Stephen is an Associate Professor of Special Education whose research focuses on aligning writing instruction for students with disabilities with research-based evidence. He examines how observed instructional practices...

Stephen is an Associate Professor of Special Education whose research focuses on aligning writing instruction for students with disabilities with research-based evidence. He examines how observed instructional practices correlate with student writing performance and conducts interventions to enhance content-area writing. As the principal investigator on an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) grant, Dr. Ciullo explores the implementation of effective instructional practices by educators supporting students with disabilities in writing. His expertise spans various areas, including early childhood education, inclusive education, teacher training, and assessment, making significant strides in improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities.

Our favorite SRSD study by Dr. Stephen Ciullo is Writing expository essays from social studies texts: a self-regulated strategy development study (2021)

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